Does Lamisil promote hair growth? (+3 factors)

In this article, we will discuss whether Lamisil promotes hair growth or hair loss. We will further dig deep into the factors that impact hair growth while taking Lamisil. Furthermore, we will look at additional ways and methods to promote hair growth. 

Does Lamisil promote hair growth?

No, Lamisil does not promote hair growth. Instead, Lamisil may cause hair loss in some patients based on individual variation. 

Lamisil (terbinafine) is an antifungal medication. Lamisil is approved by the FDA for treating onychomycosis in adults but is used off-label in pediatrics. It is also used to treat the fungal infections of the scalp by inhibiting the growth of fungi (1). 

Hair growth is a complex process that is influenced by many factors. Antifungal medication such as Lamisil is not known to promote hair growth. However, if you are taking Lamisil and experiencing any hair-related side effects, you must consult your doctor.

What does research suggest?

In a research study, a 69-year-old patient was reported taking Lamisil for onychomycosis and later complained of hair loss (2).

The patient was suffering from onychomycosis of toenails for which she was prescribed oral Lamisil at 250mg per day. Lamisil takes about 6-24 weeks to work therefore, after three months of this treatment, the patient was presented with significant hair loss (2). 

Upon examination, she was diagnosed with progressive alopecia with 50% anagen hair and 50% telogen hair. However, two months after the last intake of Lamsiil, improvement in hair growth was observed (2).

After six months, the patient’s nails were completely cured and progressive improvement was seen in her hair growth. Hair loss has previously been reported with the use of antifungals such as itraconazole and fluconazole (2). 

What factors affect hair growth while taking Lamisil?

The following factors may impact hair growth while taking Lamisil treatment:

  • Duration of Lamisil and severity of infection- The duration of Lamisil treatment depends on the severity of the infection. If your doctor has prescribed Lamisil for a longer duration based on infection severity, it might affect hair growth. 


  • Individual patient variation- Different patients react differently to medications. Some patients may experience severe hair loss after taking Lamisil treatment while others may not. 


  • Medical history- Certain health conditions such as an autoimmune disorder or any hormonal deficiency may contribute to hair loss. Therefore, previous or pre-existing health conditions must be discussed with your doctor before starting new treatments. 


  • Medication interaction- Concurrent use of some medications along with Lamisilmay contributes to hair loss. Therefore, discuss openly with your healthcare provider if you are taking other medications. 


  • Nutritional status- Poor nutrition has an impact on hair health. Lack of certain vitamins and minerals due to nutritional insufficiencies may contribute to weak health leading to hair loss. 

It is important to carefully monitor yourself while you are taking Lamisil for hair loss. If you experience hair-related issues, discuss them with your doctor. However, do not abruptly stop taking the medication without taking guidance from your doctor or pharmacist. 

What are the ways to promote hair growth?

There are many ways to promote hair growth. For pharmacological intervention, you must consult your doctor for a recommended medication to promote hair growth. While some home remedies may also help in promoting hair growth such as (3):

  • Scalp massage
  • Managing stress
  • Healthy and nutritious diet
  • Adequate sleep
  • Hair growth supplements
  • Hydration
  • Scalp care
  • Regular exercise

Trying these remedies can speed up the process of hair growth. However, the only FDA-approved medications for hair growth are minoxidil and finasteride. You must consult your doctor before using these medications for hair growth treatment (4). 

What to do if Lamisil causes excessive hair loss?

If you are taking Lamisil for an antifungal treatment and observe excessive hair loss, then you must consult your doctor for medical help.

Your healthcare provider must examine your overall health which may be a potential reason for hair loss. They must evaluate your past medical and medication history to derive the exact cause of hair loss.  

If Lamisil is detected as the reason for hair loss, then your doctor might either reduce its dosage or switch you to another antifungal drug that might not cause hair loss or any such side effect. 

You must also practice good hair care tips, and weekly massages, and taking good care of the scalp is important for hair growth. Avoid using excessive chemicals and heat which may destroy hair texture. 

In the end, I would suggest that Lamisil is not a drug to promote hair growth. Instead, hair loss has been reported with some antifungals therefore, if you are taking Lamisil treatment, carefully examine any hair-related side effects and consult your healthcare provider is such side effects are severe. 

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