Does Indomethacin expire? 

Does Indomethacin expire?

Yes, Indomethacin does expire. The printed expiry date is usually 2-3 years from the manufacturing date. However, the drug will retain its full potency for a year or two more but there is no way to be sure. 

A wise decision would be to discard the expired Indomethacin and get a new prescription. There’s no way to be sure how these expired medications will work in different individuals. 

What are the dangers associated with the use of expired Indomethacin? 

The most commonly reported outcome of taking expired Indomethacin is a therapeutic failure. If you’re using it for severe pain and inflammation, the drug may not be able to provide a promising relief in your symptoms. 

This can affect the quality of your life and will delay the healing process. Several studies have also indicated that sometimes, expired medications can trigger a severe allergic reaction and there’s no way to predict who will suffer from that. 

This is why you should avoid using expired medications, which is something the Food and Drug Administration recommends (1).

Indomethacin can be paired with other medications for the management of chronic pain conditions, like the combination of Indomethacin and Allupurinol for the management of gout. Taking expired Indomethacin will not help you achieve your desired therapeutic goals.

What to do if you have taken expired Indomethacin? 

A dose or two of expired Indomethacin does not pose any health risk so there’s nothing you should do about it. However, you may need to consult your healthcare provider for the pain or inflammation you are experiencing as the expired Indomethacin will not help you resolve the problem. 

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U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Don’t Be Tempted to Use Expired Medicines [Internet]. Silver Spring (MD): U.S. Food and Drug Administration; 2021 [cited 2022 Oct 19]. Available from: