Does Fluoxetine cause burping? (+3 factors)

In this article, we will whether fluoxetine causes burping. We will also discuss the factors that contribute to burping while taking fluoxetine, and what steps should be taken if burping occurs in individuals taking fluoxetine.

Does Fluoxetine cause burping?

Fluoxetine may cause burping, but it is not a common side effect of fluoxetine and it does not occur in all individuals who take this medication.

Fluoxetine is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressant medication that works by increasing serotonin levels in the brain. It is commonly prescribed for the treatment of major depression disorder, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and panic attacks (1).

Fluoxetine has a generally well-tolerated safety profile, with mild to moderate side effects. However, the side effects of fluoxetine may vary from person to person, as everyone’s reaction to medications differs. If you experience any side effects while taking fluoxetine or any other medication, it is advisable to seek professional help.

What does research suggest?

Burping is a process of relieving excess gas from the stomach through your mouth. It is a very common complaint observed in clinical settings while taking different medications (3).

According to research, SSRIs including fluoxetine are commonly associated with gastrointestinal side effects that can lead to burping, bloating, and flatulence. A study involving 100 patients was conducted to assess the GIT side effects of SSRIs. The results showed that GIT side effects were present in 64% of the patients (4).

Gastric discomfort caused by fluoxetine may cause burping in some individuals. In most of the cases, burping does not pose any problem for the patient. However, if persistent and uncontrollable burping occurs after taking fluoxetine, consult your healthcare provider immediately.

What factors can contribute to Fluoxetine induced burping?

The factors that can contribute to fluoxetine-induced burping may include: 

Individual sensitivity: The side effects of a medication can vary from one individual to another based on their individual sensitivity to the medication. The individual sensitivity may vary based on their genetic variation, and underlying health conditions.

Medications history: Burping is more common with drugs like aspirin, antacids, and antidiarrheals. Concomitant use of these drugs with fluoxetine may increase the risk of burping in individuals (7).

Underlying medical conditions: The overall health status can also contribute to the occurrence of various side effects of a medication. Burping is more common in individuals taking fluoxetine who have underlying GERD, dyspepsia, peptic ulcers and, celiac disease, etc.

What to do if fluoxetine causes burping?

Burping is usually a harmless, self-remitting process and it does not involve any need for medical intervention. But if you experience persistent and uncontrollable burping after taking fluoxetine, consult your healthcare provider for a proper evaluation of your condition.

Your healthcare provider will rule out the underlying cause of your burping and will provide you with personalized treatment based on your individual factors. If fluoxetine is the sole cause of your persistent burping, your healthcare provider may adjust the dosage of medication or switch to any other medication.

Fluoxetine should only be discontinued in situations where the risks of the medication outweigh the benefits. However, it is important to note that, sudden discontinuation of fluoxetine may cause withdrawal effects. So, the discontinuation of fluoxetine should only in done under the supervision of a qualified healthcare professional.

What are the other common side effects of fluoxetine?

Fluoxetine is generally considered as a safe drug with a tolerable safety profile. However, some individuals may experience different side effects depending upon their response to medications. The common side effects associated with the use of fluoxetine may include (6): 

  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • dizziness 
  • drowsiness
  • weight changes
  • sexual disorders
  • dry mouth
  • serotonin syndrome
  • headaches
  • burning throat sensation
  • GIT discomfort
  • diarrhea

It is crucial to note that not everyone who takes this drug experiences all of these side effects because the safety and efficacy of fluoxetine may vary from one individual to another. If you experience any of the above-mentioned side effects after using fluoxetine, consult your healthcare provider as soon as possible.


In conclusion, based on my knowledge and experience, different gastrointestinal side effects are commonly associated with fluoxetine. However, burping rarely occurs with fluoxetine due to the underlying gastrointestinal discomfort or stomach upset in individuals using fluoxetine.

If you experience persistent burping that doesn’t resolve on its own, it’s important to seek medical attention from your healthcare professional. While burping is usually harmless, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and get it checked out. Avoid self-medicating and consult your doctor for the appropriate treatment plan.


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