Does Effexor help in smoking cessation? (5+ factors)

In this article, we will explore whether Effexor helps in smoking cessation. We will also discuss what the research suggests, factors influencing smoking cessation with Effexor, and which drugs are more effective in smoking cessation compared to Effexor. 

Does Effexor help in smoking cessation?

Effexor may help individuals in smoking cessation who smoke fewer cigarettes per day. Such individuals can benefit from Effexor treatment, along with nicotine patches and behavioural therapy (1).

Effexor, also known as Venlafaxine, belongs to the serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) class of drugs and is FDA-approved for treating conditions such as depression, social anxiety disorder (SAD), and cataplexy. 

Additionally, Effexor may also be used to treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), premenstrual dysphoric disorder, nerve-related problems with diabetes, and various pain-related issues (2). 

Effexor works by increasing the levels of certain neurotransmitters by blocking their reuptake in brain cells, such as serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine. Effexor affects serotonin in low doses, norepinephrine at medium doses, and inhibits dopamine at higher doses (3).  

What does research suggest?

A clinical trial examined the impact of Effexor on smokers trying to quit, with 147 participants receiving either Effexor or a fake pill. All participants received nicotine patches and behavioural therapy. 

The study indicated that Effexor helped those patients who smoked fewer cigarettes per day, improving their mood and reducing stress for over 6 weeks after quitting. However, the effectiveness of Effexor varies depending on the administered dose (1). 

Another research study found that long-term use of Effexor for smoking cessation is less effective and may cause more side effects. However, it may reduce the number of cigarette consumption when used in combination with nicotine patches and counselling.

Additionally, genetic factors may also affect how people respond to Effexor during smoking cessation. Some individuals may experience only a few side effects and get more benefits with Effexor treatment (3). 

What factors may affect smoking cessation with Effexor?

There are a few factors that may affect smoking cessation with Effexor, including: 

  • Genetic factors play a crucial role as individuals vary in their responses to the medication (3). 
  • The dosage of Effexor can impact smoking cessation as it may need to adjust dosage over time as per the response of the individual. 
  • Combining Effexor with counselling can increase the success rates. 
  • Some people may have improved symptoms in short-term treatment and vice versa; so the duration of treatment also affects smoking cessation with Effexor. 
  • Long-term treatment with Effexor may cause more side effects in some people and they may find it difficult to continue treatment. 
  • Regular monitoring is of utmost importance to observe the progress and adjust the dosage accordingly.

Which drugs are more effective for smoking cessation than Effexor?

Bupropion and Varenicline are commonly used medications for smoking cessation and have proven more effective than Effexor. Bupropion can reduce smoking cravings and can also be used by individuals without depression.

However, Bupropion may lead to side effects such as changes in behaviour, insomnia, or dry mouth. Varenicline also reduces nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms with potential side effects such as changes in taste, sleep disturbances, and headaches.

However, if you experience depression or suicidal thoughts during this process, please reach out to your healthcare provider. Other medicines such as Clonidine and Nortriptyline may be considered for individuals who do not respond well to other treatments (4,5). 


In my perspective, Effexor may be effective in smoking cessation for those individuals who smoke fewer cigarettes per day, along with nicotine patches and counselling.  

However, if you find it difficult to quit smoking while taking Effexor, your doctor may recommend other medicines according to your specific needs which are approved by the FDA for smoking cessation, such as Bupropion and Varenicline. 

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