Does desvenlafaxine cause diarrhoea? (+3 prevention)

In this article, we will discuss whether desvenlafaxine is associated with causing diarrhoea or not. We will look at the link between diarrhoea and desvenlafaxine along with some potential causes of diarrhoea due to desvenlafaxine. We will look at the ways to avoid diarrhoea caused due to desvenlafaxine.

Does desvenlafaxine cause diarrhoea?

Desvenlafaxine may cause diarrhoea in some patients. However, diarrhoea is not a common side effect associated with devenlafaxine, but some patients may face it based on individual patient variations. 

Desvenlafaxine belongs to the serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) antidepressant drug class that inhibits the reuptake of these neurotransmitters thus, increasing their levels and activity in the brain. Desvenlafaxine is FDA-approved for the treatment of major depressive disorder (1). 

Desvenlafaxine may cause various side effects including some gastrointestinal (GI) side effects by altering the motility of the GI system. Diarrhoea is, however, an adverse effect that is less commonly associated with desvenlafaxine. Diarrhoea may also occur in patients who overdose on desvenlafaxine (2). 

Who is more prone to develop desvenlafaxine-induced diarrhoea?

Desvenlafaxine-induced diarrhoea does not commonly affects every patient. However, patients who suffer diarrhoea from desvenlafaxine may already have an underlying GI condition such as irritable bowel disease, ulcer, heartburn, etc. 

Individual patient variation also plays a key role in affecting patients. Some patients who suffer from desvenlafaine-induced diarrhoea may not accept the mechanism of medication and thus, lead to an unusual desvenlafaxine-induced diarrhoea (1).

Severity of the condition, right dosage and frequency is also essential and can be the reason of facing abnormal side effects of any medication. Reducing the dosage of the drug may help in treating diarrhoea associated with desvenlafaxine. 

Usually, patients suffer from GI side effects such as nausea, diarrhoea, constipation, and abdominal pain in the early course of treatment with SNRIs and other antidepressants. 

How to prevent desvenlafaxine-induced diarrhoea?

Some common ways to prevent diarrhoea caused due to desvenlafaxine are:

  • Hydration and increased fluid intake- Diarrhoea can lead to excessive loss of electrolytes from the body. Keep yourself well-hydrated by increasing the intake of fluids and oral rehydrating solutions to replenish the lost electrolytes and nutrients.


  • Dietary changes- Increase the intake of foods that do not upset your gut and are light on the stomach. Avoid spicy, greasy, and high-fiber foods which may exacerbate diarrhoea. Incorporating a BRAT (banana, rice, apple sauce, and toast) diet may always help get rid of diarrhoea (3). 


  • Probiotics- Include probiotics in your diet as they increase the beneficial bacteria that improve and regulate the digestive system. 


  • Change medication timing- Sometimes change in medication timing may suppress some of the symptoms. Therefore, discuss with your healthcare provider to change the timings to get rid of abdominal side effects. 


What to do if desvenlafaxine-induced diarrhoea persists?

If you suffer from severe GI disturbance, diarrhoea, and affected motility of your gut due to desvenlafaxine, then contact your doctor and seek medical help. 

Your doctor may reduce or taper your medication dose to help alleviate abdominal side effects. If this doesn’t work, then your doctor might switch you to other antidepressants that suit you well and do not lead to diarrhoea and other harmful side effects. 

Your doctor may include an anti-diarrhoreal medication in your treatment regimen which can help get rid of desvenlafaxine-induced diarrhoea and improve GI symptoms. 

Always maintain good hygiene. Diarrhoea can be caused due to poor hygiene and water sanitary conditions. Patients with poor sanitary conditions are more prone to have persistent diarrhoea (4). 

Which medications can be used to treat diarrhoea?

The class of medications that help alleviate the symptoms of diarrhoea is called anti-diarrhoeal medication. These medications are usually given to patients who are more prone to diarrhoea and are taking medications that may exacerbate diarrhoea (4). 

Loperamide is an over-the-counter (OTC) anti-diarrhoeal medication approved by the FDA for the treatment of various kinds of diarrhoea. The addition of loperamide in medication prescriptions for the treatment of diarrhoea with other conditions has shown promising results (5). 

In conclusion, I would suggest always consult your healthcare provider if you suffer excessive side effects from any medication. In my opinion, diarrhoea associated with desvenlafaxine can be eradicated by improving diet and staying hydrated. 

However, if the desvenlafaxine-induced diarrhoea still persists, then you may consult your doctor to include an anti-diarrhoeal drug in your regimen to get rid of it. 

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