Does desvenlafaxine cause birth defects? (3+ findings)

In this article, we will discuss whether or not desvenlafaxine causes birth defects, research studies on the potential link between desvenlafaxine and birth defects, potential side effects of desvenlafaxine, and antidepressants that are unlikely to cause birth defects.

Does desvenlafaxine cause birth defects?

Yes, desvenlafaxine can cause birth defects in certain individuals. These defects can include low birth weight and other birth complications, such as delayed brain development. 

Desvenlafaxine is an antidepressant medication that belongs to the class of drugs known as SNRIs (Serotonin and Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors). Desvenlafaxine functions by increasing the levels of serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain. (1)

The exact mechanism of action of desvenlafaxine in causing birth defects is not fully understood. However, it is believed to be connected to desvenlafaxine’s effect on serotonin and norepinephrine transporters.

Elevated serotonin and norepinephrine levels may alter brain development and result in birth defects. Furthermore, it has been discovered that desvenlafaxine affects the dopamine transporter, which may also contribute to birth defects. (2)

What does research suggest?

A research study was conducted to evaluate the effect of the antidepressant drug desvenlafaxine on gestational depression and fetal development. The study aimed to determine if desvenlafaxine affects brain development in fetuses.

The study found that desvenlafaxine induced histopathological changes in the brains of both mothers and their fetuses. Additionally, analysis of the brains showed that desvenlafaxine caused an increase in NGF (Nerve Growth Factor) protein immunoreactivity in both the mothers and fetuses. 

The study also revealed up-regulation of messenger RNA BDNF and S100B expression.

Based on these findings, the study concluded that desvenlafaxine can affect the growth of fetuses during pregnancy, possibly leading to delayed brain development as well as other birth defects. (3)

Therefore, it is crucial to investigate the impact of antidepressant drugs on neonatal development during pregnancy.

What are the potential birth defects caused by desvenlafaxine?

Some potential birth defects can be caused by SNRIs including venlafaxine and desvenlafaxine. Examples include: (3), (4)

  • Heart defects.
  • Brain and spine defects.
  • Delayed brain development.
  • Congenital malformations.
  • Cleft palate or cleft lip.
  • Gastroschisis (a birth defect where a baby’s intestines and other organs like the stomach protrude outside of the body through a hole in the abdominal wall).
  • Hypospadias (a condition in males where the opening of the urethra is not at the top of the penis).
  • Defects in the genitourinary system.

However, the risk is not well understood and more research is needed to fully understand the potential risks. If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, it’s crucial to discuss the risks and benefits of taking Pristiq with your healthcare provider.

What are the potential side effects of desvenlafaxine in pregnant women?

There are several potential side effects of desvenlafaxine in pregnant women. Examples include: (5), (6)

  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Night sweats and insomnia (inability to sleep).
  • Drowsiness, dizziness, and headaches.
  • Xerostomia (dry mouth).
  • Constipation.
  • Loss of appetite.

Serious side effects

  • Bleeding problems, including increased risk of bleeding during delivery.
  • Preeclampsia (a serious condition that can cause hypertension, protein in the urine, and swelling in your legs and feet).
  • Low birth weight.
  • Premature delivery.
  • Withdrawal symptoms in the infant after birth, if you have been taking desvenlafaxine throughout pregnancy such as seizures, breathing difficulties, and muscle spasms.
  • Seizures.
  • Long-lasting confusion.
  • Euphoria or excessive happiness and restlessness (inability to sit or stand still).
  • Blurred vision or any vision changes.
  • Tachycardia (fast heart rate) and SOB (Shortness of Breath).

It is crucial to immediately seek medical attention if you experience any of these side effects. These side effects are life-threatening and require immediate intervention by a healthcare professional.

What antidepressants are not likely to cause birth defects?

Certain antidepressants are unlikely to cause birth defects. Examples include: (7)

  • Citalopram: It is an antidepressant that belongs to the class of drugs known as the SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) and is sold under the brand name Celexa. Citalopram can be considered an option in treating depression in pregnant women. 


  • Duloxetine: It is an antidepressant that belongs to the class of drugs known as SNRIs and is sold under the brand name Cymbalta. Duloxetine can be used for treating depression in certain pregnant women.


  • Sertraline: It is an antidepressant that also belongs to the SSRI class of drugs and is sold under the brand name Zoloft. Sertraline can be used in treating depression in certain pregnant women.


  • Bupropion: It is an antidepressant that belongs to the class of drugs known as NDRIs (Norepinephrine and Dopamine Reuptake Inhibitors) and is sold under the brand name Wellbutrin. Bupropion can be used in certain pregnant women who don’t respond to other antidepressants. However, it is not recommended as a first-line option in treating depression in pregnant women.

However, these antidepressants can be associated with possible complications such as premature birth or weight changes. It is important to note that no antidepressant carries a 100% guarantee against the possibility of birth defects or abnormalities.

After considering the potential risks and benefits of antidepressant medications, your healthcare provider may recommend a suitable antidepressant based on your current situation.

Based on my knowledge and research, Pristiq can cause birth defects in certain individuals. In my opinion, it is crucial to consult your physician about taking Pristiq during pregnancy to weigh the potential risks and benefits of the medication and to avoid potential adverse events.

If you experience any side effects while taking Pristiq, seek medical attention immediately to avoid and reduce the potential birth defects that can be associated with Pristiq use.



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Naseeruddin R, Rosani A, Marwaha R. Desvenlafaxine [Internet]. PubMed. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023. Available from:,treat%20hot%20flashes%20during%20menopause.


Ahmed SH, El Ghareeb AEWA, El-Rahman HAA, Almaaty AHA. Impact of maternal desvenlafaxine exposure on brain development in pregnant albino rats and their fetuses. Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology [Internet]. 2022 Jul 1 [cited 2023 Nov 29];36(7):e23062. Available from:


Ahmed SH, El Ghareeb AEWA, El-Rahman HAA, Almaaty AHA. Impact of maternal desvenlafaxine exposure on brain development in pregnant albino rats and their fetuses. Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology [Internet]. 2022 Jul 1;36(7):e23062. Available from:


CDC. Venlafaxine During Early Pregnancy and Birth Defects | CDC [Internet]. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2020 [cited 2023 Nov 30]. Available from:,palate%2C%20hypospadias%2C%20and%20gastroschisis. 


Desvenlafaxine Oral: Uses, Side Effects, Interactions, Pictures, Warnings & Dosing – WebMD [Internet]. Available from: 


Desvenlafaxine Oral: Uses, Side Effects, Interactions, Pictures, Warnings & Dosing – WebMD [Internet]. Available from:

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