Does Cymbalta cause panic attacks? (+3 factors)

In this article, we will discuss whether Cymbalta causes panic attacks. We will also explore research studies linking Cymbalta and panic attacks, as well as the factors that may increase the risk of panic attacks while taking Cymbalta. Additionally, we will discuss the management tips for panic attacks and explore alternative medications to Cymbalta if it is found to trigger panic attacks.

Does Cymbalta cause panic attacks?

Yes, Cymbalta may cause panic attacks in some individuals. However, this is not a common side effect of Cymbalta. Instead, Cymbalta is used in the management of anxiety and panic disorders.

Panic attacks may occur during the initial phase of treatment with Cymbalta when the body is adjusting to the medication. Generally, Cymbalta is considered a safe medication with rare serious side effects, some patients may experience adverse effects based on individual sensitivity to the medication or other underlying risk factors.

Cymbalta is an antidepressant medication utilized in the management of various mental disorders, including depression, anxiety, and panic disorders. It is also useful in treating chronic pain and fibromyalgia. The therapeutic effects of Cymbalta may involve its interference with norepinephrine and serotonin in the brain, which are responsible for regulating behavior and mood in individuals with these conditions (1).

What does research suggest?

There is limited research on the occurrence of panic attacks with Cymbalta, as this medication is commonly indicated for the management of these conditions. However, Cymbalta may cause panic attacks at the start of treatment, which should be approached cautiously.

In a research study, panic attacks were reported within 3 days after starting treatment with Cymbalta in a patient with underlying anxiety. The patient was advised to discontinue the medication and was provided with an alternative to manage the symptoms. After the discontinuation of Cymbalta, the panic attacks subsided (2).

In contrast, various studies have reported the effectiveness of Cymbalta in the management of panic attacks. In a research study, 15 patients with underlying anxiety and panic disorders were treated with Cymbalta at a daily dosage of 60mg for a period of 2 months. The results showed a reduction in the episodes of panic attacks as well as a decrease in anxiety and its associated symptoms (3).

What factors can increase the risk of Cymbalta-induced panic attacks?

While Cymbalta rarely causes panic attacks in individuals, several factors may increase the risk of panic attacks while taking Cymbalta. These factors may include:

Sensitivity to Cymbalta: Individual sensitivity to the medications, including Cymbalta, increases the risk of rarely occurring side effects of the medication. Some patients are susceptible to panic attacks caused by Cymbalta due to their genetic factors.

Medications: Concurrent use of medications such as opioids, corticosteroids, or certain antidepressants with Cymbalta increases the risk of various side effects, including panic attacks, agitation, aggression, and impulsive behavior. It is recommended to check potential drug interactions or the risk of additive side effects when combining medications with Cymbalta.

Pre-existing medical conditions: Individuals with underlying medical conditions, such as cardiovascular diseases, thyroid disorders, or stress, are more likely to experience panic attacks with Cymbalta.

It is important to note that panic attacks have a higher risk of occurrence during the initial phase of treatment, so you should remain vigilant of your symptoms and report them to your healthcare provider as soon as possible.

What are the management tips for Cymbalta-induced panic attacks?

If you experience panic attacks or a worsening of symptoms related to your mental condition, it is crucial to consult your healthcare provider. They will carefully examine your symptoms to determine the actual cause of your condition.

If Cymbalta is associated with inducing panic attacks, your healthcare provider may adjust the dosage or recommend discontinuing the medication based on the severity and frequency of panic attacks.

In some cases, discontinuing Cymbalta has proven helpful in reducing the episodes of panic attacks or completely mitigating them. Your healthcare provider may prescribe additional medications for managing panic attacks, such as benzodiazepines (alprazolam) or other antidepressants like fluoxetine.

Additionally, your healthcare provider may recommend lifestyle modifications to address the risk factors for panic attacks. This may include dietary modifications, avoiding alcohol use, and ensuring adequate water intake.

Similarly, regular physical activity and stress-relieving exercises, including yoga and meditation, are also helpful in reducing the frequency of panic attacks.

What are the alternatives to Cymbalta if it causes panic attacks? 

If Cymbalta is causing severe and persistent panic attacks that are worsening your condition, your healthcare provider may recommend discontinuing Cymbalta and switching to an alternative medication for managing your mental health.

Medications that can be considered as alternatives to Cymbalta, with a lower risk of causing panic attacks, may include:

  • fluoxetine
  • venlafaxine
  • amitriptyline
  • bupropion
  • alprazolam

It is important to note that while these medications are beneficial in managing symptoms, they are associated with potential side effects, which should be carefully considered when selecting an appropriate medication tailored to an individual’s needs.

In my opinion, while Cymbalta may cause panic attacks, they do not occur frequently with this medication. Instead, Cymbalta is commonly used in the management of panic disorders and associated symptoms. However, if you experience any unwanted symptoms or an exacerbation of your condition, promptly inform your healthcare provider to avoid any serious consequences.

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Sabljić V, Rakun R, Ružić K, Grahovac T. Duloxetine-related panic attacks. Psychiatr Danub. 2011 Mar;23(1):114-6. PMID: 21448113.


Simon NM, Kaufman RE, Hoge EA, Worthington JJ, Herlands NN, Owens ME, Pollack MH. Open-label support for duloxetine for the treatment of panic disorder. CNS Neurosci Ther. 2009 Winter;15(1):19-23. doi: 10.1111/j.1755-5949.2008.00076.x. PMID: 19228176; PMCID: PMC6494018.

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