Does Cymbalta cause hair loss? 

Does Cymbalta cause hair loss? 

Cymbalta can cause hair loss, but it is an uncommon side effect of this antidepressant. Several surveys have revealed that this is an inevitable side effect of Cymbalta and you might not even see it mentioned in the side effect profile of this medication, but it has affected people severely

Some cases have even reported baldness (Yes, you read that right!). It can also ruin the quality of your hair for a very long time. However, this is an uncommon side effect, but when it does occur, it affects people significantly. 

What does research suggest?

There is limited research on the effects of Cymbalta on hair growth and it is considered one of the rare side effects of this antidepressant. Antidepressants are generally linked to hair loss, but the incidence of these side effects with Cymbalta and other SNRIs is relatively lower (1,2). 

Other antidepressants like Zoloft, Prozac, Pristiq, etc are more commonly associated with hair loss. However, individual responses to medications can vary, and there have been rare cases where hair loss has been reported in individuals taking Cymbalta, and some cases are quite severe.

If you are concerned about hair loss or experiencing any other side effects while taking Cymbalta, it is essential to discuss this with your healthcare provider. Your doctor will determine the exact cause of hair loss and will guide you accordingly. 

Is Cymbalta-induced hair loss reversible? 

Cymbalta-induced hair loss is reversible, as people have come back from complete baldness once the medication was discontinued. In some cases, this side effect only occurs during the early course of the treatment or until the body is adjusted to the medication. 

However, this side effect may decide to linger and can significantly damage both the quantity and quality of your hair, especially if you’re a long-term Cymbalta user. 

Just don’t discontinue taking Cymbalta on your own if you’re losing hair on this antidepressant. Abrupt withdrawal is never a good option as it can lead to side effects worse than hair loss. 

What to do if you’re experiencing Cymbalta-induced hair loss? 

The first and most important thing to do is to talk to your healthcare provider. Your doctor will determine the best possible way to prevent hair loss while being on Cymbalta. 

If there is some way to make that happen, like dose reduction, your doctor will opt for that as Cymbalta is a good antidepressant to control symptoms associated with your mental health illness. 

However, if there’s no way out of it, your doctor may prescribe a medication for hair loss reversal if it is compatible with Cymbalta. If your antidepressant continues to affect you, your doctor will most likely switch you to another antidepressant with a lesser potential for hair loss. 

However, this is not something you can or should do on your own and you should always reach out to your healthcare provider if you wish to discontinue Cymbalta. 

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Etminan M, Sodhi M, Procyshyn RM, Guo M, Carleton BC. Risk of hair loss with different antidepressants: a comparative retrospective cohort study. Int Clin Psychopharmacol. 2018 Jan;33(1):44-48. doi: 10.1097/YIC.0000000000000191. PMID: 28763345.


Dhaliwal JS, Spurling BC, Molla M. Duloxetine. 2023 May 29. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan–. PMID: 31747213.

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