Does constipation occur after the UroLift? (+5 prevention)

In this article, we will discuss whether you can be constipated after a UroLift procedure or not. We will further explore how constipation can affect your post-operative recovery. Furthermore, we will discover ways to get rid of constipation after a UroLift procedure. 

Does constipation occur after the UroLift?

Constipation may occur after a UroLift procedure. However, constipation is not commonly associated with UroLift procedures and not many patients have been reported with it after a successful UroLift procedure. 

UroLift is a minimally invasive surgical technique for benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) patients. This procedure holds and lifts the enlarged prostate in men by placing implants. UroLift is a less invasive and alternative technique to traditional surgical removal methods for BPH patients (1). 

Benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) is a nonmalignant growth of the prostate tissue in men. It is a common cause of lower respiratory tract symptoms in men. BPH is commonly associated with developing lower urinary tract symptoms in men (2).

However, constipation is rarely associated with BPH patients before or after a UroLift procedure. If you suffer from constipation or any other post-operative symptom after undergoing the UroLift procedure, you must openly communicate with your healthcare provider. 

What is the connection between constipation and UroLift?

The connection between constipation and UroLift may not be direct. It is not confirmed that the UroLift procedure may lead to constipation. However, some patients may suffer from constipation after a UroLift procedure. 

Constipation after a UroLift procedure may be due to many other factors. Some patients are given strong pain medications to relieve pain after the procedure. These analgesic medications may result in constipation after the UroLift procedure (3). 

Diet is another important factor that may cause constipation after undergoing the UroLift procedure. Lack of adequate fluids and a fibre-rich diet may cause constipation in patients which may be linked to the UroLift procedure (3). 

However, to avoid constipation after the procedure, patients tend to stress and strain their bowels which can increase the risk of bleeding from the treated prostate (3). 

What are the other risks of the UroLift procedure?

Some other risks of the UroLift procedure may include (3):

  •  Mild to moderate bleeding in the urine (hematuria)
  • Pelvic pain
  • Urinary infections
  • Requiring a Foley catheter 
  • Very rare scarring of the urethral channel
  • Rare formation of stones in the bladder

However, UroLift has many positive outcomes and many rare instances have reported auroLift failure. The surgeon or urologist must always weigh the pros and cons of undergoing a UroLift procedure before giving a green signal to patients. 

What are the ways to avoid constipation after UroLift?

Following are some ways to alleviate constipation after undergoing a UroLift procedure (4):

  • Hydration- To avoid constipation after the procedure, you must keep yourself well-hydrated. Adequate and plenty of hydration can help soften stools and make it easier to pass. 


  • Fibre-rich diet- You must avoid a heavy diet after the procedure. You must include a fibre-rich diet to avoid getting constipated after the procedure. 


  • Physical activity- You must avoid strenuous or heavy activities after the procedure. You must do gentle movements and exercises to stimulate the bowel and alleviate constipation.


  • Medication- Taking over-the-counter medications for relieving pain may cause constipation. Therefore, you must take stool softeners or laxatives to help prevent constipation after the procedure. 


  • Follow-up- A follow-up appointment is necessary and must be scheduled 2-3 weeks after the procedure to discuss any potential symptoms or risks regarding the post-operative recovery. 

In my opinion

In my opinion as a pharmacist, I would add that constipation may occur in some patients after undergoing the UroLift procedure which can be overcome by diet, physical activity, or taking laxatives.

However, UroLift is generally a safe procedure and many patients have given positive testimonials regarding the procedure. However, if you face some post-operative symptoms such as pain, bleeding or constipation, you must consult your doctor. 

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Jones, Patrick, Bhavan P. Rai, Omar Aboumarzouk, and Bhaskar K. Somani. “UroLift: A New Minimally-invasive Treatment for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia.” Therapeutic Advances in Urology 8, no. 6 (2016): 372-376. Accessed January 21, 2024.


Ng M, Baradhi KM. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. [Updated 2022 Aug 8]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan-. Available from:


UroLift® System. Broward County’s Choice for Quality Urologic Care.


Cystoscopy and prostatic urethral lift procedure (Urolift). Postoperative Instructions.