Does Adderall cause numbness in the left arm? (+3 factors)

In this article, we will explore whether Adderall can cause numbness in the left arm, how Adderall causes numbness in the left arm, what other factors may contribute to numbness in the left arm while taking Adderall and what to do if you experience numbness in the left arm while taking Adderall? 

Does Adderall cause numbness in the left arm?

Yes, Adderall can increase the risk of numbness in the left arm. However, numbness in the left arm is not commonly reported as a side effect of Adderall. Numbness in the left arm can be due to certain other reasons including nerve compression, cardiovascular problems, heart attack or angina pectoris (1). Numbness in the left arm is not directly linked to the use of Adderall but Adderall can exacerbate the condition.

Adderall is a stimulant that affects the central nervous system and this mechanism of action may lead to certain side effects including numbness in the arm (2). 

This unusual sensation in the left arm can be a concerning symptom and can be a sign of a serious health condition related to cardiovascular issues (3). It is essential to seek proper medical guidance and advice in case you experience numbness in your left arm especially if it persists or is accompanied by chest pain or shortness of breath.

How does Adderall cause numbness in the left arm?

Adderall can contribute to numbness in the left arm by the following actions:

Reduced blood flow to extremities

Adderall’s vasoconstrictive properties can lead to the narrowing of blood vessels, restricting blood flow to the extremities, and influencing arms and legs (4). This reduced blood flow known as peripheral ischemia, can impair oxygen and nutrient delivery to the peripheral nerves potentially causing numbness, tingling or paresthesia in the affected areas (5). 

Nerve damage

In rare instances, Adderall has been linked to neurotoxicity, particularly in individuals with pre-existing neurological conditions (6). This neurotoxic effect can lead to direct damage to peripheral nerves manifesting as numbness, tingling, or weakness in the extremities. 

Exacerbation of underlying neurological conditions

Adderall may aggravate existing neurologic conditions that contribute to numbness such as carpal tunnel syndrome or multiple sclerosis (7). Carpal tunnel syndrome involves compression of the median nerve in the wrist leading to numbness in the hand and fingers. 

Multiple sclerosis also affects the peripheral nervous system leading to numbness in the various parts of the body including the arms.  

What other factors may affect numbness in the left arm?

Here are some additional factors that may contribute to numbness in the left arm while you are taking Adderall. 

  • Prolonged use of Adderall may increase the cumulative effect on vasoconstriction and potential nerve damage, raising the risk of numbness.


  • Concomitant use of certain medications such as nicotine, antidepressants or decongestants can potentiate Adderal’s vasoconstrictive effects.


  • Individuals with pre-existing vascular health conditions such as Raynaud’s disease or peripheral artery disease may be more susceptible to Adderall’s vasoconstrictive effects leading to numbness. 


  • Deficiencies in essential nutrients such as vitamin B12 and folate can contribute to peripheral neuropathy and increase the risk of numbness in the extremities. 


  • Genetic predisposition to certain neurological conditions such as migraine or familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis may increase the vulnerability to Adderall-induced numbness in the left arm.


  • Individual metabolic rate and drug clearance can influence the duration of Adderall’s effects with slower metabolizers potentially experiencing long-term effects of vasoconstriction and increased risk of numbness. 


  • Smoking and lack of physical exercise to improve the circulation of blood can be a few lifestyle factors that may make a patient more susceptible to experiencing such side effects of Adderall. 

Not everyone who takes Adderall will experience numbness in the left arm. Some individuals may be more prone to getting the side effects of Adderall while some may not experience any. This depends upon the individual sensitivity, genetic predisposition, underlying health conditions or past medical history. 

What to do if Adderall causes numbness in the left arm?

If you are taking Adderall and experience numbness in your left arm then consulting your healthcare provider is first and foremost. 

Consulting healthcare provider

Your healthcare provider will evaluate your condition and check your past medical record to ensure if have any history of heart disease. After a careful examination, your doctor may recommend the following.

  • Your doctor may recommend lowering the dose which will in turn lower the vasoconstrictive effects of Adderall leading to a lower incidence of numbness in the left arm.


  • If Adderall-induced numbness persists, your doctor may switch you from Adderall to some other alternative medication with less pronounced vasoconstrictive properties for ADHD or narcolepsy.


  • If numbness is found to be due to some underlying health condition, then your doctor will first address that condition to make your treatment plan more effective. 


  • You will also be asked to make some lifestyle modifications including yoga, regular exercise and dietary changes. 

You will be scheduled for regular follow-ups and monitoring to ensure the efficacy of the treatment plan. 

Pharmacological Alternatives to Adderall

If your side effects are determined to be due to Adderall, your doctor may prescribe you one of the following medications to treat ADHD or narcolepsy (8).

  • Methylphenidate (Concerta, Ritalin)
  • Lisdexamfetamuine (Vyvanse)
  • Pemoline (Cylert)
  • Bupropion (Wellbutrin)


In my opinion, Adderall does not directly cause numbness in the left arm but some of the major actions of Adderall on your body may lead to it. Numbness in the left arm can be a symptom of serious and concerning medical conditions related to your cardiovascular system so an immediate consultation with your healthcare provider is recommended.  

Your doctor can help you determine the exact cause of your symptoms and will guide you to treat them with a proper treatment strategy.


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