Can you take Pulmicort and albuterol together? (+3 benefits)

In this article, we will explore whether Pulmicort and albuterol can be taken together, what are the potential benefits of this combination, what are the potential risks of taking this combination together and what instructions are to be kept in mind while taking the medications together. 

Can you take Pulmicort and albuterol together?

Yes, Pulmicort (budesonide) and albuterol are often prescribed together. They are used as a combination therapy to treat asthma. This combination treats inflammation and narrowing of the airways. It opens up the airways and makes it easier for the patient to breathe. 

Pulmicort (budesonide) is a long-term control corticosteroid that works by reducing inflammation in the airways. This effect of Pulmicort contributes to wheezing, coughing or shortness of breath.  It does not provide immediate relief rather it is taken daily to prevent asthma attacks (1). 

Albuterol, on the other hand, is a quick-relief bronchodilator. It works by relaxing the muscles surrounding the airways, allowing them to open up and improve breathing (2). 

These medications have distinct actions and serve different purposes in treating respiratory conditions such as asthma and COPD. It is an FDA-approved combination for the treatment of asthma (3). They can be safely and effectively combined to provide a more comprehensive symptom control.

What does the research suggest?

In 2022, researchers conducted a double-blind, randomized, event-driven trial to compare the safety and efficiency of the combination of albuterol and Pulmicort to treat asthma. This was compared with the treatment of test subjects with albuterol alone. 

The research indicated a reduction in the severe exacerbating symptoms of asthma was significantly observed when treated with the combination as compared to single drug treatment. The higher-dose combination showed a 26% decrease in severe asthma exacerbation, as compared to the lower-dose combination (4).

Another study was conducted to determine the safety and efficacy of an albuterol-budesonide combination compared with albuterol alone. The study also concluded that the combination of albuterol-budesonide proved to be more effective for the treatment of asthma symptoms as compared to albuterol alone (5). 

What are the benefits of combining Pulmicort and albuterol?

Combining albuterol, as a short-acting-bronchodilator (6) and Pulmicort (budesonide), an inhaled corticosteroid offers several advantages to manage asthma (7).   

Increased effectiveness

Albuterol rapidly relieves asthma by relaxing the airways promoting easy breathing while Pulmicort reduces airway inflammation preventing future attacks and improving lung function over time.

This combination actively addresses acute and chronic aspects of asthma providing immediate relief during an asthma attack and reducing frequency and severity as well (8).  

Reduced need for rescue medication

Overall action of Pulmicort can improve the condition of the lungs. This can reduce their reliance of patient on frequent Albuterol use for immediate relief from asthma attacks as Pulmicort helps to prevent asthma attacks in the long run.

Age-appropriate treatment

Albuterol and Pulmicort are preferred in patients by doctors due to the effectiveness of this combination in patients of all age groups. Research has also shown the positive effects of taking albuterol and Pulmicort together in patients of different ages. (9). 

Improved quality of life

Taking albuterol and Pulmicort together can help to improve the quality of life as the combination, when taken together, significantly improves the symptoms of asthma that may inhibit you from various daily life activities. It improves breathing and helps you to be more active in your routine activities. 

What are the potential risks of using Pulmicort with albuterol?

The combined use of Pulmicort and albuterol can have significant beneficial effects on patients with asthma whereas, like every combination therapy, it also has its risks.

Excessive use

Increasing the dose or frequency of dosing albuterol and Pulmicort combinationcan cause potential risks to the health of the patient. It may cause tachyphylaxis and you may also become tolerant to the effects of the medication due to its overuse. 

Side effects

Both albuterol and Pulmicort have their individual list of side effects. When the combination is taken, with an increase in the therapeutic effects, the risk of side effects may also increase.  These effects include (10) (11):

  • Nausea
  • Tremors
  • Headache
  • Nervousness
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Palpitation
  • Dry mouth
  • Hoarseness
  • Muscle aches and pain
  • Oral thrush

Less common effects may include:

  • Chest pain
  • Paradoxical bronchospasm
  • Cataract
  • Osteoporosis
  • Cushing’s syndrome
  • Growth suppression

Pulmicort, a corticosteroid can cause long-term side effects when used in higher doses for extended periods.

What are the considerations for taking Pulmicort with albuterol?

Taking albuterol and Pulmicort together can be an effective way to manage the symptoms and severity of asthma in patients. However, the following tips must be kept under consideration.

  • Your doctor will prescribe accurate doses of both medications to not overdo any of them. Adhere strictly to the prescribed dosage regimen and do not increase or decrease the dose of any of the medication. 


  • Use albuterol as a rescue medication in case of an asthma attack and Pulmicort regularly for management of the symptoms.


  • If using these drugs separately, use albuterol before Pulmicort to open the airways allowing better penetration of corticosteroid into the airways.


  • After using Pulmicort, rinse your mouth with water to reduce the risk of oral thrush and throat irritation. 


  • Ensure a consistent schedule to take these medications to ensure better asthma control and follow the prescribed dosing regimen.


  • Make an asthma action plan. Determine in what condition you have to use the rescue inhaler (containing albuterol) and when to immediately consult your doctor. 


  • Store both medications accurately, check for the expiry of albuterol and ensure the cleaning of inhalers to make better use of the plan and effective control. 


In my opinion, albuterol and Pulmicort can be taken together. When combined, they show promising benefits to the treatment plan of asthma as the combination has quick-relief medication to control the attack and a long-term medication for better management.

However, in case the medications are not providing the desired effects or you experience any side effects, immediately contact your doctor for a safe and effective treatment strategy. 

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