Can you stop Advair cold turkey? (+3 tips)

In this article, we will explore whether you can stop Advair cold turkey or not, what happens if you stop taking Advair cold turkey, how to safely discontinue Advair and how to manage the withdrawal effects of Advair.

Can you stop Advair cold turkey?

No, stopping Advair (Fluticasone propionate+salmeterol) cold turkey is not recommended due to serious health consequences. Abrupt withdrawal of Advair can significantly worsen the condition of asthma due to the rebound effect. 

Advair contains fluticasone propionate, a corticosteroid and salmeterol, a beta-2 adrenergic agonist. It is usually prescribed for the treatment of asthma or related symptoms as it can help in opening the airways and making it easier to breathe (1).

Advair should not be discontinued abruptly but a proper tapering strategy should be applied under the careful supervision of an experienced healthcare provider. If you have any concerns regarding the use of Advair or want to stop taking it due to any reason then you should consult your healthcare provider for a safe and effective treatment strategy. 

What happens if you stop Advair cold turkey?

Sudden discontinuation of Advair can result in severe consequences. The major of all is the rebound effect.

Advair contains fluticasone propionate which is a corticosteroid and has anti-inflammatory action on the airways (2). This anti-inflammatory property helps it to open up the airways for better breathing. If you stop taking Advair, then due to the rebound effect of Advair the airways may get severe inflammation worsening the symptoms of asthma (3).  

This can lead to significant difficulty in breathing, wheezing, coughing, tightness in the chest and other asthma symptoms. In severe cases, it can lead towards an asthma attack which may require immediate emergency medical attention. 

What are the potential effects of the abrupt withdrawal of Advair?

Stopping Advair abruptly can lead to potential side effects, primarily due to the presence of corticosteroid (fluticasone propionate). These effects can vary in severity. They may include (4):

  • Increased airway inflammation
  • Worsening shortness of breath
  • Wheezing
  • Cough
  • Increased mucus production
  • Fatigue and low energy levels
  • Irritability and anxiety
  • Asthma attacks
  • Muscle pain
  • Nausea
  • Lethargy
  • Headache
  • Low blood pressure
  • Pneumonia

In some cases, individuals with diabetes might experience a temporary rise in blood sugar levels called rebound hyperglycemia due to the abrupt discontinuation of Advair (5). 

The severity of the effects of Advair withdrawal depends upon the condition of the patient and the severity of the symptoms of asthma or related disorders.

How to safely discontinue Advair?

In order to discontinue Advair or any other medication, it is essential to consult your healthcare provider. It should be done under careful guidance to ensure a safe transition. Your doctor will help you tailor the treatment plan according to your needs. 

Gradual tapering

Dose tapering is the cornerstone of safe Advair withdrawal. Your doctor will design a gradual tapering schedule, gradually reducing your dosage over weeks or months to minimize the risk of rebound inflammation or worsening of the symptoms. This gradual reduction in the dose helps your body to gradually adjust to the reduced amount of Advair in it (6).

Throughout this tapering process, you need to closely monitor any symptoms that may appear. Keep track of any changes and report if you experience any worsening of symptoms. 

Your doctor might prescribe a rescue medication or an inhaler such as albuterol or a combination of pulmicort and albuterol to manage any worsening of symptoms during this tapering period. 

How to manage the withdrawal effects of Advair?

Here is how to manage withdrawal effects of Advair if stopped abruptly.

  • If you experience any of the withdrawal effects of Advair then seek medical assistance immediately.


  • Your healthcare provider might prescribe you a rescue medication such as a short-acting bronchodilator (albuterol) to manage the sudden worsening of symptoms. 


  • In some cases, if the withdrawal effects are severe, your healthcare provider might reintroduce Advair in lower doses to manage the conditions.


  • During an exacerbation or withdrawal effects, it is essential to stay calm and relaxed.  Avoid activities that might strain your respiratory system.


 In my opinion, the sudden withdrawal of Advair can lead to exacerbation of symptoms which may be life-threatening or dangerous. Therefore, it is crucial to never stop taking Adavir without consulting your healthcare provider. Stopping Advair cold turkey is never recommended. 

If you are taking Advair for asthma or related disorders, then open communication with your doctor is essential. They can guide you about the proper use and any side effects that you might experience. 



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