Can you get high on Lomotil? 

Can you get high on Lomotil? 

You can get high on Lomotil, but not on standard therapeutic doses. Lomotil contains Diphenoxylate, which is an opioid, meaning it can affect the brain and produce a sense of euphoria or relaxation when taken in high doses or in a way not prescribed by a doctor. (1,2)

When Lomotil is taken in excessive amounts or combined with other substances, it can lead to a range of euphoric effects. In some cases, the euphoria caused by high doses of Lomotil was found to be somewhat similar to Codeine. 

It is important to note that using Lomotil in a manner not prescribed by a healthcare professional is unsafe and can have serious consequences. Misusing or abusing Lomotil can lead to dependence, addiction, and other health risks. (3,4)

If you have concerns about Lomotil use or are seeking to get high, it is important to reach out to a medical professional.

What are the signs of getting high from Lomotil? 

If you have taken a high amount of Lomotil, you may experience the following signs and symptoms of getting high: (5)

  • Euphoria 
  • Elevated or happy mood
  • Calmness 
  • Relaxation 
  • Detachment from reality 
  • Disorientation 

These signs and symptoms can vary in intensity and depend on the amount of medication you have taken. Some people may not even get to the high state and start to feel generally unwell. 

How to cope with the effects of getting high from Lomotil? 

If you are experiencing the effects of getting high from Lomotil and want to cope with them, there are a few things you can try. First, it’s important to remember that Lomotil is a medication that should be taken as directed by your healthcare provider.

If you have taken a high amount of the medication and feel unusual, you should immediately seek medical attention. 

However, mild symptoms of getting high from Lomotil can be managed with the help of the following steps:

  • Stay calm and relaxed: Remind yourself that the effects will wear off over time. Find a quiet and comfortable environment where you can rest and relax.
  • Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water or clear fluids to stay hydrated. This can help alleviate some discomfort and help your body flush out the medication.
  • Avoid other substances: It’s important to avoid consuming any other substances, including alcohol or stimulants like Adderall or Vyvanse, as they can worsen the effects or interact with Lomotil in harmful ways.
  • Follow up with your healthcare provider: If you have taken Lomotil inappropriately or are experiencing adverse effects, it’s crucial to consult with your doctor. They can provide appropriate guidance and help you manage any potential complications.

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