Can you cut Lexapro in half? 

Can you cut Lexapro in half? 

Yes, you can cut Lexapro in half. Most of the Lexapro tablets are scored to help you split them into two equal halves. However, it’s not recommended to split low doses of Lexapro and they are not usually scored. 

If a tablet is not scored, you can’t possibly split it into two equal halves without a tablet splitter or a sharp knife. Make sure your two halves of Lexapro are equal to maintain uniform dose distribution. 

It is also important to store the other half of the tablet properly that you’re not taking. This way, the integrity of the tablet remains intact. Just make sure you properly split the tablet and take the dose that is prescribed by your healthcare provider. 

Risks associated with cutting Lexapro tablets in half

One of the most important concerns with cutting Lexapro tablets in half is the improper content distribution between the two halves of the tablet, which can lead to inaccurate dosing, as you may end up taking more or less than the dose prescribed by your doctor.

Lexapro is an antidepressant(1) which should be taken properly each day to make the most out of them, especially if you are a new user. Lexapro can take up to 4-6 weeks to work, and you won’t be able to achieve that result if you take different doses each day.

Cutting Lexapro tablets can also affect the coating of the drug, which controls drug release to some extent and also masks the bitter taste of the drug. 

Alternatives to cutting Lexapro tablets

It is best to ask your doctor or pharmacist for an alternative to cutting Lexapro tablets before you actually go for it. Lexapro is also available in an oral liquid dosage form that you can switch to. 

Make sure you know how much liquid med you will have to take to equal the dose prescribed by your doctor. If your doctor has approved of cutting the tablets, make sure you don’t cut all of them at once(2)

Always remember to stick to your doctor’s directions to achieve the best possible therapeutic outcome.

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PubChem [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), National Center for Biotechnology Information; 2004-. PubChem Compound Summary for CID 146570, Escitalopram; [cited 2023 Feb. 03]. Available from:


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Best Practices for Tablet Splitting. [Internet]. [cited 2023 Feb 03]. Available from:

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