Can Naproxen get you high? 

Can Naproxen get you high? 

No, Naproxen can not get you high. It is a non-narcotic non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that does not cause addiction or is used as a substance of abuse. Naproxen has never caused any such psychological effects in people who have been taking this medication for decades.

How is naproxen different from drugs that get you high?

Naproxen is quite different from the drugs that actually get you high. It does not have the property to induce euphoria and this is why it is available over the counter in many countries of the world. 

Naproxen is commonly used for the management of pain associated with conditions like osteoarthritis, dental infection, etc (1). It is a non-narcotic, non-addictive painkiller and is considered safe to take unless you have a reason not to take it.

Naproxen is associated with some side effects, for sure, especially when higher doses are taken. At standard therapeutic doses, Naproxen is known for gastrointestinal side effects, which are considered the most common ones. However, at higher doses, it can cause depression, dizziness, and tiredness (2). 

These side effects can be observed in healthy individuals. If we talk about people who have a psychological illness, like schizophrenia, they may experience extreme paranoia on NSAIDs like Naproxen. 

Naproxen may also cause some unusual or rare side effects in certain individuals, such as shortness of breath, unexplained weight gain, hair loss, swelling in different parts of the body, etc.

Drugs that get you high work directly on your brain and change the way you think and respond to things. These drugs can also affect your cognitive functions – which is why these medications are carefully prescribed, let alone being available over the counter like Naproxen is.

Final words

To sum it up, Naproxen does not get you high as it does not chemically resemble any of the controlled drugs. However, Naproxen may not suit everyone because of its side effects on your gastrointestinal system. So, you can safely take Naproxen. 

If you are concerned about the use of this medication or it does not make you feel well, talk to your healthcare provider.

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NHS. Naproxen- a medication to treat pain and swelling [Internet]. NHS Choices; [cited 2023 Jan. 31]. Available from:


PubChem [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), National Center for Biotechnology Information; 2004-. PubChem Compound Summary for CID 156391, Naproxen; [cited 2023 Jan. 31]. Available from: