Can Montelukast get you high? 

Can Montelukast get you high? 

No, Montelukast can not get you high. This medication is used for seasonal allergies and is not considered a drug of abuse or a controlled substance. 

Montelukast can not cause addiction or induce euphoria. However, Montelukast is associated with a number of disturbing psychological side effects, including (1):

  • Aggressive behaviour 
  • Anxiety 
  • Agitation 
  • Irritability 
  • Loss of memory or dementia 
  • Sensory and motor impairment 
  • Confusion 
  • Hallucinations 
  • Nightmares 
  • Depression 
  • Insomnia 
  • Suicidal behaviour 
  • Tremors

These side effects may not develop right away, but they should be watched. The repeated use of Montelukast in patients who already suffer from a mental illness is more susceptible to these types of side effects. 

Make sure you take this medication only if your doctor recommends it. If you do feel unusual after taking Montelukast, immediately reach out to your healthcare provider. 

How is Montelukast different from drugs of abuse?

Montelukast is a prescription medication that is used for the treatment of asthma and allergic rhinitis. It does not have psychoactive qualities that can result in a “high” or euphoric feeling, nor is it an addictive substance.

Contrarily, chemicals that are known to cause a “high” or euphoric effect are often those that have abuse potential and are frequently taken illicitly for amusement. 

These substances may include prescription pharmaceuticals that are misused or taken without a prescription, as well as illegal substances like opioids, stimulants, sedatives, and hallucinogens. 

Montelukast works by inhibiting specific molecules in the body – which are allergy mediators and can trigger symptoms associated with problems like asthma, COPD, etc. It should only be used as directed by your doctor.

It’s crucial to remember that misusing any medicine, including Montelukast, carries a risk to one’s health. Drug addiction, overdose, and other harmful health effects can result from misusing prescribed prescriptions or using illegal substances. 

Always follow your doctor’s instructions when using medications, whether or not they can get you high. 

Final words

To sum up, Montelukast doesn’t get you high and is not considered a drug of abuse. However, it can still significantly affect your health if you start to misuse it. It is important to stick to your doctor’s recommendations. 

If you think Montelukast is somehow affecting your psychological functions, reach out to your doctor. 

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PubChem [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), National Center for Biotechnology Information; 2004-. PubChem Compound Summary for CID 5281040, Montelukast; [cited 2023 Jan. 31]. Available from: