Can Klonopin make you tired? 

In this article, we will discuss the potential for Klonopin to induce fatigue.

We will explore various aspects, including the mechanism of action of Klonopin, scientific studies examining the association between Klonopin and tiredness, considerations regarding the Klonopin-tired side effect, guidance on managing daytime fatigue resulting from Klonopin usage, the feasibility of taking Klonopin in the morning for individuals working night shifts, and an overview of other potential side effects associated with this medication.

Yes, Klonopin can make you feel drowsy, giving you the sensation of being tired. 

This occurs because Klonopin not only reduces excessive neuronal activity in the brain but also decelerates the majority of physiological and induces muscle relaxation (1,2).

Studies have reported tiredness as a common side effect of the medication Klonopin. However, in general, you shouldn’t be concerned about this unless it significantly affects the quality of your life (3,4,5).

Talk to your healthcare provider if your daytime tiredness affects the quality of your life.

You can take Klonopin in the morning if you work at night and don’t engage in activities that require your full attention during the day. It will not affect the intensity of side effects (1,6).

Can Klonopin make you tired? 

Yes, Klonopin can make you feel drowsy, giving you the sensation of being tired.. This medication is a benzodiazepine, and it is likely to make you feel that way due to its mechanism of action (1).

How does Klonopin work?

Klonopin controls your anxiety by enhancing the activity of GABA – an inhibitory neurotransmitter. This process not only slows down the excessive neuronal activity in your brain but also slows down the majority of your physiological functions, even your breathing rate. 

It also relaxes your muscles and puts you to sleep. This is one of the reasons why Klonopin and other benzodiazepines are used for the management of insomnia (2). 

Feeling tired or drowsy after taking Klonopin is something that will most likely happen and may continue to happen – and it’s nothing to worry about as long as you stick to your doctor’s recommended dose. 

What do studies say about Klonopin and tiredness?

Several research studies have explained the effects of Klonopin on your energy levels. A research study on the effects of Klonopin on epileptic patients indicated that fatigue and drowsiness were reported as the most common side effects of Klonopin for the treatment of epilepsy (3).

The drug can cause sleepiness after 15-20 minutes of administration and can result in excessive fatigue on waking up. 

Another study investigating the effects of Klonopin on panic disorders indicated that tiredness is the most common adverse event reported in the participants, which became the reason for drug discontinuation in some cases (4). 

Additionally, a rare case study has been reported in the literature where  Klonopin-induced skeletal muscle toxicity occurred. The patient was bed-written and experienced major muscle weakness, muscle pain, and excessive fatigue (5). 

This indicates that Klonopin can affect your muscles and cause overall body tiredness and fatigue. Make sure you report this side effect to your doctor if it starts affecting the quality of your life.

Should you be concerned about Klonopin-induced tiredness? 

In general, you shouldn’t be concerned about tiredness caused by Klonopin as it is one of the most commonly reported side effects. Some people use this medication to achieve this tiredness which helps put them to sleep at night. 

However, some people may feel tired during the daytime even if they take the med at night, which is not ideal but is expected to get better with time (1). 

Speak to your doctor if this medication side effect starts affecting the quality of your life.

What to do if Klonopin makes you tired during the day? 

If you take Klonopin at night, either for anxiety or as a sleep aid, and it makes you sleepy or tired during the daytime – there are a few things you can do (1,6): 

  • Talk to your healthcare provider if your daytime tiredness affects the quality of your life. Your doctor may reduce your dose for a while until your body adjusts to the medication. 
  • Take Klonopin an hour or two before bedtime. 
  • Do not engage in any activity after taking Klonopin which ruins your sleep quality, like using smart gadgets, eating, or generally staying awake. 
  • Sleep at least 7-9 hours after taking the medication. Inadequate sleep will make you feel tired and exhausted the following morning. 
  • Sip some coffee in the morning. 
  • Don’t take any other medication that may contribute to Klonopin-induced sedation. 
  • Do not drink alcohol with this medication. 

Can you take Klonopin in the morning if you work at night?

Yes, you can take Klonopin in the morning if you work at night and don’t engage in activities that require your full attention during the day (1,6).

However, this medication should only be taken if prescribed by your healthcare provider. 

So, talk to your doctor before starting to take Klonopin during the day.

Are the adverse effects of Klonopin increased when taken in the morning?

No, the timing of Klonopin intake does not affect the intensity of adverse effects. But, in order to achieve the best efficacy of the treatment, this medication should be taken at the same time consistently.

One factor that can influence the intensity of unwanted reactions is the dosage. However, each person is unique and responds differently to treatment.

In addition to tiredness, other common adverse effects of Klonopin include (1,6):

  • Drowsiness
  • Dizziness
  • Unsteadiness
  • Problems with coordination
  • Difficulty thinking or remembering
  • Increased saliva
  • Muscle or joint pain
  • Frequent urination
  • Blurred vision
  • Changes in sex drive or erectile dysfunction

In addition to these, some adverse effects can be serious, such as (4,5):

  • Rash
  • Hives
  • Swelling of the eyes, face, lips, tongue, or throat
  • Difficulty breathing or swallowing
  • Hoarseness
  • Difficulty breathing

Talk to your doctor if you experience any unusual or persistent problems while taking this medication. 


In this succinct article, we have discussed the potential for Klonopin to induce fatigue. We have explored various aspects, including the mechanism of action of Klonopin, scientific studies examining the association between Klonopin and tiredness, considerations regarding the Klonopin-tired side effect, guidance on managing daytime fatigue resulting from Klonopin usage, the feasibility of taking Klonopin in the morning for individuals working night shifts, and an overview of other potential side effects associated with this medication.

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KLONOPIN® (clonazepam).  U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Reference ID: 5108498 [Internet] [updated 2023 Jan; cited 2023 Jun 29]. Available from:


PubChem [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), National Center for Biotechnology Information; 2004-. PubChem Compound Summary for CID 5533, Clonazepam; [cited 2023 Jun 29]. Available from:


Pinder RM, Brogden RN, Speight TM, Avery GS. Clonazepam: a review of its pharmacological properties and therapeutic efficacy in epilepsy Drugs. 1976;12(5):321-61.


MedlinePlus [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); c1998–2023. Clonazepam; [updated 2022 Oct 15; cited 2023 Jun 29]. Available from:

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