Can you swallow chewable tablets?

Can you swallow chewable tablets?

Yes, you can swallow chewable tablets. However, swallowing these tablets whole may delay the dissolution of the drug in your stomach – as chewable tablets are harder than regular tablets (1). It’s always best to take medications as instructed by your doctor. 

If you do not wish to chew a certain tablet, talk to your doctor or pharmacist for an alternative dosage form that can just swallow. Chewable tablets are usually recommended for those who can’t swallow tablets whole or some vitamins are available as chewable tablets (2). 

There must be another dosage form available for the kind of medication you’re taking, so just talk to your healthcare provider about it. 

Potential risks of swallowing chewable tablets

Swallowing chewable tablets can pose potential risks because these tablets are designed to be chewed, not swallowed whole. The process of chewing helps disintegrate the drug and the active ingredient which is packed inside the tablet starts to be released (1). 

If you take it whole, the entire ‘unpacking’ of the drug will happen inside your stomach and this could take a while. This can lead to improper absorption and may reduce the effectiveness of the medication. 

Some chewable tablets, specifically, should not be swallowed and they need to be chewed for adequate therapeutic efficacy.

Additionally, some chewable tablets may have a higher concentration of the active ingredient, which can cause adverse effects if taken in large amounts. It’s important to follow the instructions provided by your healthcare provider or on the medication label to ensure safe and effective use.

Final words

To sum up, swallowing chewable tablets is generally possible, but it may not be the most effective way to take them. Chewing the tablets helps disintegrate the drug and allows for proper absorption. If you have difficulty chewing tablets, talk to your healthcare provider about alternative dosage forms that you can swallow.

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Ambros MC, Podczeck F, Podczeck H, Newton JM. The characterization of the mechanical strength of chewable tablets. Pharm Dev Technol. 1998 Nov;3(4):509-15. doi: 10.3109/10837459809028633. PMID: 9834954.


Radhakrishnan C, Sefidani Forough A, Cichero JAY, Smyth HE, Raidhan A, Nissen LM, Steadman KJ. A Difficult Pill to Swallow: An Investigation of the Factors Associated with Medication Swallowing Difficulties. Patient Prefer Adherence. 2021 Jan 11;15:29-40. doi: 10.2147/PPA.S277238. PMID: 33469272; PMCID: PMC7810703.