Can Fluoxetine damage your kidneys? (3+ factors)

In this article, we will discuss the effects of Fluoxetine on kidneys. We will also discuss some research studies and factors affecting kidneys while taking Fluoxetine.

Can Fluoxetine damage your kidneys?

Fluoxetine does not necessarily damage your kidneys. However, responses to antidepressants can vary from person to person. Unlike some other medications, Fluoxetine is not known to be directly toxic to the kidneys.

Every medication is a chemical which is excreted primarily via your kidneys. Another organ primarily involved in drug metabolism is the liver. So, these two organs are always at risk of the negative effects of medications, which mainly depend on the dosage strength and overall duration of your treatment.

Fluoxetine is a prescription medication used to treat depression and sometimes other mood disorders like anxiety. It belongs to a class of drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (1).

What does research suggest?

There is limited study indicating the negative effects of Fluoxetine on kidneys. However, some studies indicate the safety of Fluoxetine in depressed people with kidney impairment.

One study affirms the comparative safety of Fluoxetine for individuals with depression who are undergoing hemodialysis due to renal failure. Additionally, it indicated that Fluoxetine might be effective in treating depression among patients undergoing dialysis (2).

However, it is essential to keep in mind that individual responses to medications can vary and some people may experience side effects that indirectly affect their overall health. Always reach out to your healthcare provider for personalized guidance.

What are the factors affecting kidney function while taking Fluoxetine?

Factors affecting kidney functions while taking Fluoxetine may include:

Pre-existing kidney conditions: Individuals with pre-existing kidney conditions may be more susceptible to the effects of Fluoxetine on kidney function. Healthcare providers need to consider a patient’s renal health while prescribing Fluoxetine.

Dosage: Higher doses of Fluoxetine may carry a higher risk of kidney-related side effects. Adjusting the dosage of Fluoxetine may help mitigate these risks in some cases.

Individual variability: Individual factors like genetics and overall health can influence the effects of Fluoxetine on kidneys. Some people may be more prone to kidney-related side effects than others.

Drug interactions: Fluoxetine may interact with other medications and substances you are taking which can affect kidney functions. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like Ibuprofen can potentially cause kidney issues, and combining them with Fluoxetine may increase the risk.

Dehydration: Fluoxetine may cause side effects like dry mouth and sweating (3). These side effects lead to dehydration, if not addressed. Dehydration can strain the kidneys and potentially affect their function.

What are the symptoms of kidney damage while taking Fluoxetine?

Symptoms and warning signs of kidney damage while taking Fluoxetine include:

Changes in urination: Changes in frequency, colour and volume of urine. This might include decreased urination, difficulty urinating, blood in urine or foamy urine.

Swelling: Swelling or oedema in various parts of the body such as hands, legs, ankles or face. This occurs due to the reduced ability of kidneys to remove excess fluid.

Weakness: Kidney problems can lead to anaemia causing weakness and fatigue.

High blood pressure: Kidney issues can contribute to or exacerbate high blood pressure.

Back pain: Pain in the areas of the kidneys, typically felt in the back or either side of the spine.

If you are taking Fluoxetine and experience any of these symptoms, it is important to discuss it with your healthcare provider. They will be able to evaluate your symptoms, perform tests if necessary, and provide appropriate guidance. 

What to do if Fluoxetine causes kidney problems? 

If you are experiencing kidney issues while taking Fluoxetine, it is important to discuss it with your healthcare provider. They can assess your specific medical history, monitor your kidney functions as needed and make appropriate recommendations to ensure your safety and well-being during the treatment.

Your healthcare provider may initially adjust the dosage of the Fluoxetine to see if it works. If dose adjustment does not work for you they may discontinue your medication gradually or switch to another antidepressant with minimum side effects.

Always remember not to discontinue antidepressants on your own, as it may lead to discontinuation syndrome characterized by symptoms such as hallucinations, agitation, headache, nausea, tremors, dizziness etc (4). 

Common side effects of Fluoxetine

Some common side effects of Fluoxetine include (1):


Based on my knowledge and the information available, Fluoxetine is not commonly associated with kidney damage. However, individual responses to medications vary. If you are concerned about kidney health while taking Fluoxetine, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional. They can assess your specific situation and provide guidance tailored to your health needs.




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