Can Prozac cause heartburn? 

Can Prozac cause heartburn? 

Yes, Prozac can cause heartburn. This is one of the most common side effects of this medication, especially if you’re new to Prozac or antidepressants in general. Heartburn on Prozac is usually paired with stomach pain, nausea, flatulence, bloating etc. 

These side effects are usually expected to go away within 2-3 weeks. However, some people may take longer to recover from these side effects. If they persist, reach out to your healthcare provider. 

What does research suggest?

There are several research studies on the effects of Prozac on the gastrointestinal system. Several studies have indicated that Prozac can increase stomach acid and cause symptoms like heartburn and acid reflex. However, these side effects are expected to stay until your body address to the medication.  

According to experts, one of the possible reasons why Prozac causes heartburn is because it is formulated as a hydrochloride salt (1). This Hydrochloride salt form of Fluoxetine – the active drug present in Prozac – gets converted into hydrochloric acid once inside your stomach.

This can result in increased availability of acid in your stomach and causes heartburn. However, this stops bothering you when your stomach gets used to the medication, typically within 1-3 weeks.

What to do if Prozac causes heartburn? 

If Prozac causes heartburn, there are a few things you can try. These include:

Take OTC acid reducers 

OTC acid reducers can help control your stomach acidity and the heartburn associated with it. Most of the acid reducers are safe to take with Prozac and can help you manage this side effect. Common acid reducers include:

  • Antacids, like Tums, Gaviscon, Milk of Magnesia, etc. 
  • Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), like Omeprazole, Esomeprazole, Pantoprazole, etc. 
  • H2 receptor antagonists, like Famotidine, Cimetidine, etc. 

Take Prozac with meals

Try taking Prozac with meals to prevent heartburn and acid reflux. These side effects hit more prominently if you take this medication on an empty stomach as the lining of your stomach gets directly exposed to the drug. 

Taking it with food creates a barrier and helps protect your stomach from the irritation caused by Prozac. It can also help prevent other side effects like Prozac-induced metallic taste in the mouth. 

Avoid spicy foods

Spicy foods can significantly increase your Prozac-induced heartburn and avoiding them can help you a lot with your symptoms. This is why you should avoid spicy foods and other trigger foods that upset your stomach and cause stomach pain.

Do not eat heavy meals before bedtime

Eating heavy meals before bedtime can increase heartburn and acid reflux, which can affect your sleep quality. You should relax your body before bedtime, which means all of your organs should be in a relaxed state. 

If you eat late at night, your stomach continues to work hard to digest the food. It’s also not recommended to lie down right after eating. 

Walk a little after dinner

Try walking a mile after dinner, which enhances the release of digestive enzymes which help digest your food in a better way. Better digestion leads to lesser acid reflux and heartburn. 

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PubChem [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), National Center for Biotechnology Information; 2004-. PubChem Compound Summary for CID 3386, Fluoxetine; [cited 2023 Feb. 9]. Available from:

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