What is the success rate of Paxil? (3 success stories)

In this article, we will discuss the success rate of Paxil. Additionally, we will talk about the research findings, explore the experiences of people with Paxil, and examine success rates for different formulations. We will also address whether Paxil works for everyone. 

What is the success rate of Paxil?

The success rate of Paxil for patients with depression is around 50%. Paxil manages and treats the symptoms of major depressive disorder, also known as MDD. However, the success rates of Paxil may differ among individuals due to genetic factors and their response to Paxil. 

Some patients may respond better than others when treated with Paxil for anxiety and depression. Paxil is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) approved by the FDA for the treatment of anxiety, depression, panic disorder, and related mental conditions (1). 

What determines the success rate of Paxil?

Some factors may determine the success rates of Paxil including:

  • Age may affect the efficacy of Paxil, therefore elderly patients may require low dosages compared to adults.
  • Patients with underlying health conditions metabolize the drug differently, which may affect Paxil’s effectiveness and may be more prone to side effects of Paxil. 
  • The use of Paxil with other medications may affect its efficacy such as monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs).
  • Genetic factors may also affect the metabolism of Paxil in the body, hence affecting its effectiveness. 
  • Consistent use of Paxil is necessary for its sustained efficacy. 
  • Any changes in lifestyle, such as increased stress levels, may also affect the efficacy of Paxil.  

What does research suggest about Paxil’s success?

According to a clinical trial, Paxil starts working within the first week of treatment, and patients observe improvements in their symptoms, such as improved appetite, sleep, and mood. 

Patients experienced mild symptoms of nausea only in the early phase of treatment with Paxil. Additionally, the number of patients who discontinued the treatment due to the incidence of side effects was quite low with Paxil during these clinical studies (2). 

Paxil, also known as Paroxetine, is an effective treatment of stress, depression, social phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and panic disorder. However, Paxil should not be used in pregnant women as it may cause birth defects in newborns (3). 

What have people experienced so far?

Many patients have experienced positive results when treated with Paxil, also known as Paroxetine. A few success stories are as follows: 

A 60-year-old named Young shared his success story with Paxil:

“I started taking Paxil in 1996, and it was incredibly effective in helping me overcome anxiety and depression, allowing me to regain control of my life. Now at this age, after gradually discontinuing Paxil over six months, my anxiety and depression symptoms have reappeared. 

I have again started Paxil because it is crucial for me to live a normal life. I will never go off Paxil again; it is truly my lifeline. Other medications have not worked for me. I would recommend others to use Paxil keeping in mind the potential side effects.” 

Pheobe shared her experience: 

“I have been living with anxiety for about 16 years. It took me 12 years to find Paxil and I am grateful to God. I was a mess! Anxiety and depression led to agoraphobia and it was impossible to leave the house or be socially active. 

I tried many antidepressants but they left me feeling like a zombie. Three days after taking Paxil, I feel alive again. The constant noise and fear in my mind is vanished. I have more energy and I am not emotionally and physically drained out.”

Another Paxil user quoted as: 

“I took Paxil 40mg for 13 years and thought that I didn’t need it anymore. I withdrew it and it was tough. After 3 months, I was overwhelmed with emotions, anxiety, fear, and panic.

I tried Lexapro, Effexor, and Prozac with horrible side effects for 3 months. Eventually, I returned to Paxil and within a month, I was back to my job, my family was happier, and I was less stressed. I would recommend Paxil to anyone suffering from stress, anxiety, and panic disorder.”

Do different formulations affect success rates?

Different formulations of Paxil may affect the success rates of Paxil. Paxil is available in immediate-release tablets, controlled-release tablets, and liquid form. Paxil can be taken at any time of the day, either morning or at night, and with or without food. 

Immediate-release (IR) tablets release the active constituent in the bloodstream soon after consumption, and due to this mechanism, drug levels fluctuate rapidly.

IR tablets are therefore associated with a relatively quick onset of action compared to controlled-release tablets and an increased risk of side effects. Paxil controlled-release (CR) tablets release the drug slowly into the system, leading to a gradual increase in the drug’s blood levels. 

Paxil CR tablets are therefore associated with a low risk of side effects. Furthermore, Paxil CR is cost-effective, more efficacious, and has low dropout rates. Due to these benefits, many patients prefer taking Paxil CR compared to Paxil IR. (4) 

Does Paxil work for everyone?

Despite Paxil’s favourable profile, it may not work for everyone. If you feel that your symptoms are not improving and getting worse, Paxil may not be suitable for you. You should inform your healthcare provider, they will evaluate your response to the prescribed dose and make necessary adjustments. 

Do not reduce the dose or stop taking Paxil on your own as abrupt discontinuation may result in withdrawal symptoms. If you miss a dose of Paxil, take it as soon as you remember it, but do not double the dose to make up for the missed one. 

How can lifestyle improve the success of Paxil?

The lifestyle changes that can improve the success rate of Paxil may include:

  • Engage yourself in regular exercise and any other kind of physical activity as it reduces stress levels in the body. 
  • Maintain healthy eating habits. 
  • Get enough sleep. 
  • Practice stress reduction techniques, such as meditation, or yoga. 
  • Reduce alcohol and caffeine consumption. 
  • Take your medication exactly as prescribed by your healthcare provider to maintain steady drug blood levels. 
  • Attend your follow-up sessions to monitor your response throughout the treatment.


In my opinion, Paxil is generally considered a safe and effective antidepressant. Success stories of people taking Paxil show that for many people it is a life-saving drug and their quality of life significantly improved with Paxil.

However, it is important to note that not everyone taking Paxil may benefit from it due to variations of physiological responses among individuals. The potential side effects and withdrawal symptoms should be considered while taking Paxil. 

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Golden RN, Nemeroff CB, McSorley P, Pitts CD, Dubé EM. Efficacy and tolerability of controlled-release and immediate-release paroxetine in the treatment of depression. J Clin Psychiatry. 2002 Jul;63(7):577-84. doi: 10.4088/jcp.v63n0707. PMID: 12143913. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12143913/


Nevels RM, Gontkovsky ST, Williams BE. Paroxetine-The Antidepressant from Hell? Probably Not, But Caution Required. Psychopharmacol Bull. 2016 Mar 1;46(1):77-104. PMID: 27738376; PMCID: PMC5044489. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5044489/


Otsubo T, Watanabe Y, Hongo S, Inoue M, Akimoto K, Murakami K, Takahashi R, Kikuchi T. Comparative effectiveness of switching paroxetine formulation for treatment of major depressive disorder: an open-label multicenter study. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2018 Apr 6;14:955-966. doi: 10.2147/NDT.S152985. PMID: 29670356; PMCID: PMC5896672. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29670356/

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