What is the difference between Lexapro and generic Escitalopram tablets? 

What is the difference between Lexapro and generic Escitalopram tablets?

There’s not much difference between Lexapro and generic Escitalopram tablets as they both contain the same active ingredient. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), generic tablets are not much different from brands and are not considered inferior. 

However, the effects may vary slightly. This is because the generic Escitalopram and Lexapro can contain different excipients – which are inactive ingredients used to bind and coat the medication. 

These agents are quite important because they manage the chemical and physical parameters of the drug. 

This is why Lexapro and brand Escitalopram pills can release at different rates once inside your body, which may cause a slightly different therapeutic response. However, generic pills are as effective as Lexapro but are cheaper. 

What to do if generic Escitalopram pills don’t work as well as Lexapro? 

As I discussed in the previous section, the inactive ingredients present in these meds can alter the drug release and hence its overall bioavailability. 

If you find generic Escitalopram tablets less effective than Lexapro or you feel that your symptoms are coming back, reach out to your healthcare provider. Your doctor may switch you back to Lexapro if you can afford it. 

If not, dose adjustment can solve your problem. If the inactive ingredients in generic pills cause a lesser release of the drug, your doctor can increase your dose a little to give you the same effect you got on Lexapro. 

This can start managing your depression symptoms effectively at a lesser cost. Make sure you don’t make any changes without consulting your doctor first. 

Final words

To sum up, there isn’t much difference between Lexapro and generic Escitalopram tablets. However, Lexapron is still considered more effective. If you can’t find Lexapro, you can safely take generic Escitalopram tablets.

It is best to ask your pharmacist if you wish to switch from one form of Escitalopram to another. As far as the therapeutic efficacy is concerned, it’s expected to be the same as the active ingredient is exactly the same. 

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PubChem [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), National Center for Biotechnology Information; 2004-. PubChem Compound Summary for CID 146570, Escitalopram; [cited 2023 Feb 6]. Available from: https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/Escitalopram

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