What is the difference between Fluoxetine and Fluoxetine HCl? 

What is the difference between Fluoxetine and Fluoxetine HCl? 

There is not much difference between Fluoxetine and Fluoxetine HCl. In fact, Fluoxetine HCl is considered the full name of Fluoxetine and is available as either generic tablets or in brand-name formulations

Fluoxetine HCl is basically a hydrochloride salt form of Fluoxetine and this is the only salt form available in this medication (1). The salt formations actually help with the physical parameters of the drug and enhance the dissolution and absorption of the drug once inside your body. 

Drugs which are not in their salt forms may take longer to dissolve and absorb in your body – which can affect the bioavailability and overall clinical efficacy of the drug. This is why pharmaceutical manufacturers use the salt form. 

Fluoxetine HCl is the more appropriate active name for this medication as it indicates the salt form it is made into. The therapeutic efficacy comes from Fluoxetine and not the Hydrochloride salt.

So don’t worry if you find some tablets labelled as Fluoxetine, and others labelled as Fluoxetine HCl. They are exactly the same.  

Final words

To sum up, every single Fluoxetine out there is Fluoxetine HCl and there is no difference between the two names. It’s the dosage strength that can make a difference. Make sure you properly take Fluoxetine and for as long as your doctor has recommended. 

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PubChem [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), National Center for Biotechnology Information; 2004-. PubChem Compound Summary for CID 62857, Fluoxetine Hydrochloride; [cited 2023 Feb. 9]. Available from: https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/Fluoxetine-Hydrochloride

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