What does it feel like to be in a daze? (+3 causes)

In this article, we will discuss the signs and symptoms of feeling dazed. We will also discuss the underlying cause that can induce this feeling.

What does it feel like to be in a daze?

When someone is in a daze, they are bewildered, confused, perplexed and unable to think clearly. The feeling of daze can occur due to physical or emotional shock. It can also be induced by underlying disease conditions or the use of certain medicines.

Sometimes it is normal to feel dazed. This can be due to work pressure, family relations, exam pressure, or depression. As the depression and anxiety decreases, the feeling of daze also wears off. It is important to monitor the triggers that cause a feeling of daze.

If you suddenly feel dazed and have never felt it before then you should consult your healthcare professional for advice. The best strategy is not to panic, nor to ignore it altogether. The feeling of daze can be caused by a new disease that must be treated right away.

What are the symptoms of feeling dazed?

The common symptoms of feeling dazed might include:

  • State of stunned confusion,
  • zoning out,
  • delirium,
  • an inclination to wander, and
  • slow and impaired reaction.

What are the physical and mental causes of feeling dazed?

Some physical and mental conditions can induce the feeling of daze, including:

  • Brain fog: it happens when the brain is overworked or under stress. The symptoms of brain fog can include confusion, headaches, mental tiredness, mood swings, and difficulty in remembering things.
  • Dehydration: dehydrated brains frequently struggle to focus. This can appear as difficulties concentrating, slower reaction time, brain fog, or daze.
  • Not getting enough sleep: sleep deprivation is one of the common causes of feeling dazed.
  • Depression: patients who are depressed or anxious become passive, distant, dazed, and apathetic.
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): ADHD makes it more difficult to recall information, analyze thoughts, and find the correct words to express themselves. 

Which diseases cause a feeling of daze?

The feeling of daze can also be caused by underlying diseases, such as:

  • Head injury: Concussions and brain injury can induce the feeling of daze. The feeling is often reversible if treated correctly.
  • Delirium: it is characterized by substantial impairment of mental abilities. It can involve feeling dazed, behavioural changes, memory impairment, disorganized thinking, and reduced awareness of surroundings.
  • Vertigo: it is a spinning sensation in the body or the illusion that the surroundings are moving. This can cause a feeling of daze and confusion.
  • Migraine disorder: when a migraine occurs due to vertigo, then it is considered an aura. In aura, the individual may notice flashing lights or structures in their eyesight. This can also make the person dazed.
  • Diabetes: damage to the blood vessels due to diabetes can alter the blood flow to the brain. This may cause daze and brain fog.
  • Low blood pressure: this can cause daze, lightheadedness, fatigue and dizziness.
  • Anaemia: low iron intake from diet and rapid iron loss due to bleeding and breastfeeding can cause daze, brain fog, and fatigue.

Which medicines can cause a feeling of daze?

Few medicines have been reported to cause a feeling of daze, including:

  • Antidepressants: excessive abuse of antidepressants like Prozac can cause a daze and brain fog. However, such effects are reversible.
  • Antiseizure drugs: as seizure medications reduce the excitability of nerve cells in the brain, they can impair the cognitive thinking process.
  • Muscle relaxants: The use of muscle relaxants in the elderly is associated with an increased risk of daze, disorientation, memory problems, and drowsiness.

What are the coping strategies for feeling dazed?

The coping strategy for feeling less dazed depends on the underlying condition. Some lifestyle modifications can help, including:

  • Sleeping pattern: take 6-8 hours of sleep daily. Adopt a good sleeping pattern.
  • Drink water: if the feeling of daze is due to dehydration, then drink plenty of water and balance the electrolytes.
  • Exercise: it helps to relieve stress and revitalizes the body.
  • Avoid blue screen: do not indulge in smartphones, TVs, and gadgets while feeling dazed. Take a break and meditate.
  • Avoid alcohol: do not consume alcohol or other drugs. They can intensify the feeling of confusion and daze.

Sometimes the use of supplements for a healthy brain can help improve concentration and reduce the state of daze, confusion, and brain fog, including:

  • Fish oil: it contains omega-3 fatty acid, which is essential for brain function and development. 
  • Vitamin B complex: Vitamin B12 and B2 are essential for brain function, memory enhancement, and reducing state of confusion.
  • Gingko Biloba: it is well known as a possible strategy to keep the memory sharp, and help with memory loss, and feeling of daze.
  • Phosphatidylserine: it is a fatty molecule supplement that allows nerve cells in the brain to communicate. This reduces daze and confusion.

In some severe cases, medications can also be prescribed to lessen the state of confusion and daze, including:

  • Antidepressants: Clinicians suggest that selective serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) are better than selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) in managing brain fog and daze (3). 

Duloxetine is an SNRI that has shown effectiveness against the feeling of daze. Some example of SSRIs recommended for brain fog includes paroxetine and escitalopram.

  • Stimulants: These drugs, such as amphetamines, can reduce the ADHD-related symptoms in 70% of the adults (4).

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