Should you take Metamucil before or after meals?

Should you take Metamucil before or after meals?

Metamucil can be safely taken with or without food as you can take the supplement at any time of the day. Metamucil is a Psyllium supplement which is used to relieve constipation and it doesn’t come with any specific directions (1). 

You can either take it before having any food in your system or after your meals. It doesn’t really make a difference. However, if you’re trying to lose weight and cut back on calories, you can take Metamucil before meals (1). 

This can make you feel full and you will end up consuming a lesser amount of calories than you normally do. This creates a calorie deficit and can help you lose weight. However, if weight loss is not what you’re looking for, feel free to take Metamucil at any time of the day. 

How to ensure the proper use of Metamucil?

To ensure the proper use of Metamucil, it’s essential to follow a few guidelines. Firstly, read and carefully follow the instructions provided on the product’s label or as advised by your healthcare provider (1).

Start with the recommended dosage and gradually increase it if needed. Always mix Metamucil with the right amount of water or any other liquid specified in the instructions to avoid choking or blockages.

Ensure that you drink enough fluids throughout the day to help the fibre work effectively and prevent constipation. It’s best to take Metamucil at least two hours apart from other medications to avoid potential interactions (1).

If you have any pre-existing medical conditions or are pregnant or breastfeeding, consult your doctor before using Metamucil. It is also important to check the label for the expiration date before taking Metamucil. 

Furthermore, it is important to regularly monitor how your body responds to the fibre supplement. If you experience any unusual or severe side effects, seek medical advice right away.

Final words

To sum up, Metamucil can be taken before or after your meals – whichever wavy works best for you. Just make sure you take the right amount and in the right way. If you don’t find any improvement in your constipation, please reach out to your healthcare provider. 

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LABEL: METAMUCIL THERAPY FOR REGULARITY- psyllium husk powder. DailyMed [Internet]. Available from: