How to come off citalopram after 10 years? (strategies)

In this article, we will discuss how citalopram could be tapered off before discontinuing completely after 10 years of its usage. We will also discuss some potential risks of abrupt citalopram withdrawal and the best possible ways to discontinue it completely.

How to come off citalopram after 10 years?

Discontinuing citalopram, especially after prolonged use of 10 years requires a cautious and gradual tapering-off process under the strict supervision of a healthcare professional as withdrawing citalopram abruptly may cause serious side effects. Here are some general steps to consider: (1,2)

Consult with your healthcare provider:

  • Schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider to discuss your decision to come off citalopram.
  • Review your medical history, current mental health status and any potential risk factors. (1)

Assessment of readiness:

  • Work with your healthcare provider to assess whether it’s an appropriate time for you to discontinue the medication.
  • Share your reasons for discontinuation and any concerns you may have.

Gradual tapering-off plan:

  • Develop a gradual tapering plan with your healthcare provider. Abruptly stopping citalopram can lead to different withdrawal symptoms.
  • Tapering schedules vary, but a common approach is to reduce the dosage slowly over several weeks or months. (1,2)

Monitor for withdrawal symptoms:

  • Be aware of potential withdrawal symptoms which may include nausea, dizziness, irritability or flu-like symptoms.
  • Communicate any symptoms to your healthcare provider promptly. (3)

Lifestyle support:

  • Consider implementing lifestyle changes to support your mental well-being such as regular exercise, a balanced diet and stress management practices. (3)

Psychological support:

If needed, you can explore psychological support options like therapy or counselling to help manage the emotional aspects of coming off medication. (1,3)

Patience and self-care:

  • Be patient with the process as adjustment periods can vary from person to person.
  • Prioritize self-care and maintain open communication with your healthcare provider throughout.

What are the potential withdrawal symptoms of discontinuing citalopram?

Discontinuing citalopram, especially without proper medical guidance can lead to withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms may vary in severity and duration among individuals. Common withdrawal symptoms may include: (4)

  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Nausea or upset stomach
  • Insomnia or sleep disturbances
  • Headache
  • Irritability or mood swings
  • Fatigue
  • Tremors
  • Balance difficulties
  • Flu-like symptoms (muscle aches or chills)

It’s important to note that these symptoms can be minimized or managed through a gradual tapering-off process supervised by a healthcare professional. (4)

If you have been on higher doses of citalopram for a longer time, stopping it can be a different experience than if you were on lower doses for a shorter period. 

The higher the dose and the longer you have been taking it, the more your body might be used to it. This can make the adjustment a bit trickier, that’s why talking to your doctor while you’re coming off citalopram is very important. 

What signs indicate that you may be ready to discontinue citalopram?

Some signs that may indicate that you and your healthcare provider could consider the possibility of discontinuation include:

  • Stable mental health: If your mental health has been stabilized for an extended period with improvement in mood, reduced anxiety and better overall well-being, it may suggest that you’re in a good place to discuss discontinuation. 
  • Consistent medication adherence: If you have been consistently taking your medications as prescribed without any issues, it may suggest good medication adherence which is an important factor in considering discontinuation.
  • Life circumstances: You are experiencing positive changes in your life circumstances, such as you are better at stress management and other coping mechanisms.
  • Desire to taper off: Your desire to explore life without medication and your willingness to engage in a tapering process under the guidance of your doctor are important factors to consider. 

Why is it difficult to come off citalopram after 10 years?

Stopping citalopram after using it for a long time could be hard because of how the body gets used to it. It’s not only like getting addicted to a drug, but the body adjusts to having the medication. When you suddenly stop citalopram, you will need some time to re-adjust and may experience some uncomfortable symptoms. 

Here are some reasons why it can be difficult:

Physical Dependence: 

Physical dependence is very common with such medications because the body gets used to having citalopram daily at a specific time. So stopping it abruptly can cause withdrawal symptoms. This is not the same as addiction where there’s a craving for that drug you have been taking. (1)


Citalopram affects how chemicals in the brain work and long-term use can lead to the brain making adjustments. Stopping medication suddenly could disrupt these adjustments, causing withdrawal symptoms as the brain tries to get back to normal. 

Withdrawal symptoms:

The longer someone has used citalopram, the more withdrawal symptoms they are likely to experience. These may include dizziness, nausea, irritability, strange dreams and flu-like symptoms. (3)

Rebound effects: 

Stopping citalopram suddenly can sometimes bring back or even worsen the symptoms it was helping with. 

In my opinion, the process of coming off citalopram can vary from individual to individual and the guidance of a healthcare professional is essential to ensure a safe and effective discontinuation process tailored to your specific needs. Never make changes to your medication regimen without consulting your doctor. 

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