How long does fluvoxamine stay in your system? (+3 factors)

In this article, we are going to discuss how long fluvoxamine stays in your system, factors affecting the stay time of fluvoxamine in your system, absorption and metabolism of fluvoxamine, and important tips and precautions while taking fluvoxamine.

How long does fluvoxamine stay in your system?

The half-life of fluvoxamine is 15.6 hours. This means that after 15.6 hours, approximately half of the drug will have left your system. The medicine takes about 5 half-lives (78 hours), or roughly 3.25 days for fluvoxamine to exit your system. (1)

Nonetheless, this is only an average, and it might differ from person to person based on factors such as age, metabolism, and any additional medications you may use. However, it may take up to two weeks for your system to be fully free of fluvoxamine residue.

Individuals with insufficient kidney or liver function take a longer time to get rid of fluvoxamine, that’s why their dosages must be adjusted. You should take your medication as prescribed by your healthcare provider and follow their guidelines to avoid any complications or adverse effects.

What factors determine how long fluvoxamine stays in your system?

There are several factors that can influence the duration of fluvoxamine’s stay in your system such as: (1), (2)

Medication dose: Fluvoxamine’s half-life in your body is influenced by the quantity you take. High fluvoxamine doses can prolong the duration of fluvoxamine in your system.

Treatment duration: If you take fluvoxamine for a longer amount of time, it may take longer for fluvoxamine to totally leave your body, compared to short-term use of fluvoxamine.

Metabolism: The rate at which your body metabolizes and gets rid of fluvoxamine depends on your metabolism. Everybody has a different metabolism.

Age: The elderly metabolize medications and drugs more slowly than the younger population.

Liver and kidney functions: the liver and kidney break down and get rid of medications from your body. Fluvoxamine may be eliminated more slowly if there is a disease or dysfunction in the liver or the kidney.

Gastrointestinal diseases: Diseases of the GIT (Gastro-Intestinal Tract) may affect fluvoxamine absorption and metabolism. For example, diseases like IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, or any other GI diseases may reduce the absorption of fluvoxamine in your body.

Concomitant drugs: Certain medications such as antiplatelet drugs, NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs), and other antidepressants such as Paxil (paroxetine) may interact with fluvoxamine and prolong their stay in your system and can lead to toxicity. Therefore, it’s crucial to inform your healthcare provider about any medications you are taking to avoid drug interactions.

How is fluvoxamine absorbed and metabolized?

Fluvoxamine oral dosage is primarily absorbed through the GIT (Gastro-Intestinal Tract). After absorption, it travels throughout the body and enters the CNS (Central Nervous System) by passing through the BBB (Blood Brain Barrier). (3)

The liver is the primary organ responsible for metabolizing Luvox through a sequence of chemical processes that result in inactive metabolites that are consequently expelled from your body.

Peak levels of fluvoxamine in your plasma are attained 2-12 hours following dosages of either enteric or film-coated tablets of Luvox. Within five to ten days of the start of treatment, steady plasma concentrations are reached.

A significant amount of oxidative metabolism occurs with fluvoxamine, most likely in the liver. There are nine recognized metabolites, however, none of them are thought to have any pharmacological activity. It is uncertain which particular CYP450 isoenzymes are involved in fluvoxamine metabolism.

The medication is mostly eliminated from the urine. (3)

How can food indigestion affect the metabolism of fluvoxamine?

Food indigestion can affect the metabolism of fluvoxamine in several ways. Food intake may impact how quickly your body absorbs and eliminates the medication. The duration of fluvoxamine’s half-life can be influenced by consuming it with food or liquids such as: (4)

  • When taking fluvoxamine with a high-fat meal, the drug’s absorption may be slowed down, delaying the onset of its effect and lengthening the amount of time it stays in your body.
  • When using fluvoxamine with alcohol, the sedative effects of the drug may intensify, resulting in more tiredness and a longer period for the drug to leave your body.
  • Citrus fruits and juices such as lemon, orange, and grapefruit might impede the enzymes that break down fluvoxamine. Consuming them can raise the amount of fluvoxamine in your body.

You can take the medication consistently with or without food. Take it with food if you have GI problems. However, to maintain stable blood levels of fluvoxamine, avoid consuming alcohol or citrus juices while taking fluvoxamine.

Important precautions while taking fluvoxamine

There are several precautions to take while taking fluvoxamine such as: (4)

  • Inform your healthcare provider about any concomitant medications or herbal supplements that you take to reduce potential drug interactions.
  • You should never abruptly discontinue fluvoxamine, as this may result in withdrawal symptoms. If you want to discontinue fluvoxamine, consult your healthcare provider about gradually reducing your dose.
  • Inform your healthcare provider about any underlying medical condition that you have such as Liver, kidney, or heart diseases, as these medical conditions can affect the metabolism of fluvoxamine.
  • Steer clear of smoking as this can exacerbate fluvoxamine’s adverse events.
  • Steer clear of alcohol while using fluvoxamine. Alcohol may exacerbate fluvoxamine’s adverse effects.
  • Seek medical attention immediately if you experience any suicidal thoughts while taking fluvoxamine.


Based on my knowledge and research, it takes about 78 hours for fluvoxamine to exit your system. Fluvoxamine is absorbed from the GIT, metabolized in the liver, and excreted in the urine. Follow your physician’s guidelines and take the necessary precautions while taking fluvoxamine to reduce adverse effects while taking the medication.





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PubChem. Fluvoxamine [Internet]. Available from:


Fluvoxamine (Oral Route) Precautions – Mayo Clinic [Internet]. Available from:


Van Harten J. Overview of the pharmacokinetics of fluvoxamine. Clinical Pharmacokinetics [Internet]. 1995;29 Suppl 1:1–9. Available from:


Fluvoxamine: MedlinePlus Drug Information [Internet]. Available from:,that%20interferes%20with%20normal%20life).

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