Has anyone had success weaning off Cymbalta? (3+ stories)

In this article, we will go through some successful Cymbalta withdrawal stories from individuals coming off the medication. We will also discuss what research has to say and some tips to help manage your symptoms.

Has anyone had success weaning off Cymbalta?

Yes, there are some successful stories of individuals weaning off Cymbalta. Duloxetine or Cymbalta, can cause withdrawal effects in individuals coming off the medication. While it may be easy for some people, others may experience severe side effects of withdrawal therapy that may be a cause of concern.

Some side effects of Cymbalta that individuals commonly experience include dizziness, nausea, headaches, fatigue, irritability, sleepiness, tremors, insomnia, vomiting, diarrhoea, anxiety, paresthesias, and hyperhidrosis (1).

Cymbalta is a serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) approved by the FDA for a variety of depressive illnesses like major depressive disorder (MDD), generalised anxiety disorder(GAD), fibromyalgia (FM), diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain (DPNP) and chronic musculoskeletal pain (1).

Individual responses to the discontinuation of Cymbalta may vary from person to person. It is important to consult with your healthcare provider about any side effects that you might be experiencing while withdrawing from Cymbalta.

What have people experienced so far?

Cymbalta withdrawal is hard and many people have described it as the worst experience of their lives. Some individuals on Cymbalta even wanted this medication to be banned due to the withdrawal side effects it causes. However, there have been successful withdrawal cases as well. People who have successfully weaned off Cymbalta have shared their experiences.

A 34-year-old psychiatrist, was a user of Cymbalta, trying to taper the medication. It took him one full year to completely come off the medication. He had a very slow taper and even after completely stopping the medication he experienced dizziness, confusion and brain zaps.

One user shared her story saying that it took her two years to completely get off Cymbalta. She had to stop in between the tapering process for a few months due to the withdrawal side effects. However, the slow taper paid off in the end, proving time and patience is the key to a successful withdrawal.

Another user explained how the Cymbalta withdrawal took her 3 months and the symptoms of withdrawal did not subside until 9 months. She said she benefited a lot from other users’ experiences. She described the Cymbalta withdrawal as a long but successful process.

 A 32-year-old Caucasian female who successfully discontinued Cymbalta stated that her tapering process was not as hard as others. She stated that she did have a few side effects like anxiety, brain zaps, upset stomach and numbness (2).

She further stated that,

“I also felt feelings of elation and a greater compassion for people and events that made me feel more present and awake. This has not been an easy process, but it is certainly one that has been worth the climb. It has empowered me to make the right choices for my health and has allowed me to move through the world with a newfound confidence.”

Another patient who had taken it for almost 10 years and then withdrew, says

“Wonderful medication. If you are ready to get off then taper slowly and then get off the medication.”

As every individual is different and may react to Cymbalta differently, the withdrawal symptoms and challenges may also vary from person to person. Some people have a longer taper process, while some can come off the medication in a few weeks.

What does research suggest?

Research suggests that coming off Cymbalta is extremely hard, but not impossible. It takes time, patience and persistence during the withdrawal phase to completely taper off the medication.

A study assessing the withdrawal syndrome following antidepressant discontinuation stated that duloxetine was one of the few antidepressants that showed severe withdrawal symptoms in the majority of the patients (3).

Another study evaluating the withdrawal symptoms after SNRI discontinuation concluded that all SNRIs, including duloxetine, cause withdrawal syndrome in most patients receiving treatment. Almost 55% of the patients on duloxetine reported the occurrence of withdrawal symptoms (4).

A clinical study on the comparative effects of antidepressant medications on the risk of withdrawal syndrome reported that out of a total of 15,507 cases assessed for withdrawal syndrome occurrence, 21.3% were patients on duloxetine treatment (5).

What are the strategies for a successful Cymbalta withdrawal?

Although coming off Cymbalta may be a tedious process, some tips might make it more bearable and easily manageable. Strategies to help you with the discontinuation syndrome are as follows:

Seeking professional guidance

First and foremost, you should consult with your healthcare provider whatever you are experiencing. During the withdrawal process, if you feel that your symptoms are becoming worse let your doctor know. Your doctor will assess the situation and evaluate any associated risks that may arise due to these symptoms. Your healthcare provider may change the dosage of Cymbalta if necessary.

Role of support systems

Creating a supportive network is crucial for the patient during Cymbalta weaning. You can join a support group or ask family members or close friends to help you during this process. Having a whole support system to encourage you on your withdrawal journey can help overcome any challenges during Cymbalta tapering.

Self-care practices

Self-care practices like stress management through deep breathing, meditation or yoga can help your mind be calm. This increases energy and improves overall mood. Taking a healthy diet, and keeping an active lifestyle can also help improve your symptoms.

To summarize, Cymbalta causes a withdrawal syndrome which can be very severe for some individuals. Most users report an array of side effects when withdrawing from this medication. Sometimes these side effects have to be managed by restarting a higher dose of Cymbalta.

However, some patients have managed to successfully withdraw from Cymbalta. In my opinion and based on research, I can say that coming off Cymbalta may be hard but with proper tapering, some self-care techniques and a support system to help you through this process, anyone can successfully manage and overcome the symptoms of withdrawal.

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The Food and Drug Administration (FDA). HIGHLIGHTS OF PRESCRIBING INFORMATION. CYMBALTA® (duloxetine hydrochloride) Delayed released capsules for oral use. Available from: https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2010/022516lbl.pdf 


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