Does Verapamil cause weight gain? 

Does Verapamil cause weight gain? 

Yes, Verapamil can cause weight gain. However, most of the weight is water weight as this calcium channel blocker is associated with water retention as well. Several people have reported mild weight gain. 

However, some people have reported significant and unexplained weight gain on Verapamil. Make sure you monitor your weight properly while being treated with Verapamil and talk to your healthcare provider about this. 

What does research suggest? 

There is limited research on the effects of Verapamil on body weight. However, some studies have indicated that the drug can make your body retain water and that’s how it makes you heavier on the scale

This indicates that the majority of the weight you gain on this medication is water weight and you can easily start to lose it when your body will start eliminating all the excess fluid. Some surveys have suggested that it can cause weight gain in some people without causing any water retention. 

This indicates that the drug may make metabolic changes in some people. However, there is still no way to be certain how Verapamil makes you gain weight other than fluid retention, but we can say for sure that people respond differently to this antihypertensive. 

What to do if Verapamil makes you gain weight? 

If Verapamil makes you gain weight, you should reach out to your healthcare provider. 

You should also look for other factors that may have contributed to your weight gain like poor diet, lack of exercise, any underlying health condition, or the concomitant use of some other medication along with Verapamil. 

Once your doctor is certain what’s making you gain weight, a few preventive measures can be taken to prevent further weight gain. As far as your role is concerned, make sure you try your level best to eliminate other factors that you can control. 

It is also important to make good dietary changes while you’re being treated with Verapamil, like reducing your salt intake to limit Verapamil-induced water retention. 

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Fahie S, Cassagnol M. Verapamil. 2023 Feb 6. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan–. PMID: 30860730. Available from: