Does trazodone cause irritability? (+5 factors)

This article will explore trazodone-induced irritability and other side effects linked to trazodone use. Additionally, we will delve into key considerations that should be observed if trazodone leads to irritability.

Does trazodone cause irritability?

Yes, trazodone may cause irritability, especially in individuals who are new to trazodone or other antidepressants. While trazodone is primarily designed to stabilize and elevate mood, reducing symptoms associated with depression, anxiety, fibromyalgia, and other mood disorders, it’s essential to be aware that irritability can be a potential side effect.

During the initial phases of therapy, individuals may encounter fluctuations in their mood and emotional well-being due to the introduction of trazodone. This period can be characterized by heightened irritability for some users. However, as treatment progresses, trazodone typically becomes more effective in stabilizing mood (1). 

It is important to note that, this side effect may not occur in all the individuals who take this medication. 

What does research suggest?

According to research studies, although antidepressant medications are used to alleviate symptoms such as irritability, they may sometimes cause anxiety and its associated symptoms, including irritability and agitation, especially during the initial phases of treatment (2). 

Additionally, trazodone may also cause serotonin syndrome in high doses or during the initial days of treatment, which can be manifested by increased restlessness, anxiety, and irritability (3). 

What factors may increase the risk of trazodone-induced irritability? 

While irritability is uncommon with trazodone use, there are several factors that may increase the risk of irritability with this medication. These factors may include:

Factors Effects
Dosage Higher trazodone dosages may be associated with an increased risk of side effects, including irritability. Healthcare providers carefully consider the optimal dosage for each individual, balancing the need for therapeutic effects with the potential for side effects.
Initial phase of treatment The initial phase of trazodone treatment can be a period of adjustment for the body. During this time, individuals may experience variations in mood, including irritability, as the medication takes effect. This phase is generally temporary, and as the body adapts, side effects often diminish.
Concurrent medications Concurrent use of other medications, particularly antidepressants or antipsychotics, can influence the risk of irritability. Interactions between medications can affect an individual’s mood and overall well-being.
Medical conditions Individuals with underlying medical conditions such as depression, anxiety, or mood swings may be more susceptible to mood-related side effects, including irritability. Trazodone is often prescribed to address these conditions, but individual responses can vary.
Individual sensitivity Each person’s response to medication is unique. Some individuals may be more sensitive to the effects of trazodone, including the potential for irritability. Factors such as genetics, and overall health can contribute to individual variability in drug response.

What to do if trazodone causes irritability? 

Symptoms like irritability, aggression, and agitation are common during the initial phases of treatment and may subside as the body adjusts to the medication.

However, if you experience persistent and severe irritability or any mood disturbances even after using trazodone for 3 to 4 weeks, it’s important to consult your healthcare provider. Your healthcare provider will assess your condition and determine the cause of your symptoms.

In some cases, the overdose of trazodone may lead to serotonin syndrome, which is accompanied by various symptoms, including irritability. If such a situation arises, your healthcare provider may suggest adjusting the trazodone dosage or exploring alternative medications that have fewer mood-related side effects.

It is crucial not to make any changes to your prescription or stop taking trazodone on your own. Abrupt discontinuation of trazodone can lead to withdrawal effects that are even more challenging to manage.

Keeping track of your mood and irritability over time and reporting them to your healthcare provider during follow-up appointments is essential.

How to manage trazodone-induced irritability? 

Irritability with trazodone usually subsides on its own after a few weeks of treatment and often does not require pharmacological interventions. However, if severe irritability persists, your healthcare provider may offer management tips for addressing your irritability. These may include:

  • Consideration of behavioral therapies that are designed to assist individuals in managing and decreasing impulsive behaviors, helping them learn to manage emotions and address the underlying causes of irritation.


  • Implementation of stress-reduction techniques, including mindfulness, meditation, and relaxation exercises. These practices can be valuable in mitigating irritability that may occur during trazodone therapy.


  • Making changes in one’s daily life, such as reducing or eliminating factors that contribute to aggression, like alcohol or substance use. Lifestyle modifications can play a crucial role in managing irritability and improving overall well-being.

In my opinion, it is common to experience irritability, irritation, and aggression during the initial phases of treatment with antidepressant medication. However, these symptoms usually subside as the patient adjusts to the medication, and there is generally no need for any further intervention to manage these symptoms.

However, if your symptoms persist even after weeks of treatment, you should consult your healthcare provider for personalized advice and treatment.

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Shin JJ, Saadabadi A. Trazodone. [Updated 2022 Jul 10]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan-. Available from:


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Foong AL, Grindrod KA, Patel T, Kellar J. Demystifying serotonin syndrome (or serotonin toxicity). Can Fam Physician. 2018 Oct;64(10):720-727. PMID: 30315014; PMCID: PMC6184959.

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