Does Tramadol cause weight gain? 

Does Tramadol cause weight gain? 

Tramadol may or may not cause any weight gain. This is not a common side effect and is not usually expected. However, some people may gain a few pounds, but there could be other factors involved as well. 

A data compilation from a number of research studies has shown that Tramadol can cause weight gain in women who are of 60 years of age or older, especially if they continue the use of this medication for a longer period of time. 

However, experts believe that there could be some kind of hormonal change in such women, as most of the women of this age group are in the menopausal phase. 

Tramadol may or may not make some hormones work differently, which could result in a little bit of weight gain (1,2). If we look at male subjects, not much data is available to come up with an accurate conclusion. In short, it’s safe to say that Tramadol does not cause weight gain as a common side effect. 

What factors can contribute to weight gain while taking Tramadol? 

While Tramadol itself is not known to directly cause weight gain as a side effect, there are several factors that can contribute to weight gain while taking this medication. 

One possible reason is that Tramadol can sometimes cause changes in appetite, leading to increased food consumption and potential weight gain and bloating. Additionally, Tramadol may affect the metabolism and energy expenditure of the body, which can influence weight management. 

It is also important to consider lifestyle factors such as decreased physical activity or changes in dietary habits that may occur due to the underlying condition being treated with Tramadol. 

What to do if you’re gaining weight on Tramadol? 

If you’re gaining weight on Tramadol, you need to talk to your healthcare provider. There could be a number of other factors that may contribute to your weight gain. Your doctor may give you a few blood tests to rule out some of the common diseases that may affect your metabolism. 

Make sure you inform your doctor about other side effects that may be experienced other than weight gain. If your weight gain is subtle, you can control it with a few lifestyle changes. 

Your eating patterns can also make a huge difference, especially if you’re a woman who’s 60 or over 60 years of age. If you continue to eat good food and do moderate exercises but still keep gaining weight, you need to revisit your healthcare provider. 

Your doctor may ask you to discontinue using Tramadol if you have started gaining a significant amount of weight while being treated with this medication. 

If you stop gaining weight after discontinuing Tramadol, it means that the drug was responsible for making some unpredictable metabolic changes in your body that resulted in weight gain. 

If you continue to gain weight, you may need further evaluation and rule out the possibility of diabetes mellitus, thyroid malfunctioning, hyperlipidemia, or other hormonal changes. 

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Dhesi M, Maldonado KA, Maani CV. Tramadol. 2023 Apr 16. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan–. PMID: 30725745.


PubChem [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), National Center for Biotechnology Information; 2004-. PubChem Compound Summary for CID 33741, Tramadol; [cited 2023 July 6]. Available from: