Does the Minivelle patch cause weight gain? 

Does the Minivelle patch cause weight gain? 

Minivelle patches may or may not cause weight gain. Some people have experienced this side effect and some haven’t. 

Some studies have indicated that people, who end up gaining weight on Minivelle, can gain up to 5-15 lbs, depending on the duration of their treatment and how their body reacts to this medication. 

Just make sure to monitor your side effects closely and discuss them with your healthcare provider to ensure the safety and efficacy of Minivelle in the long run. 

What does research suggest? 

Research indicates that Minivelle, as it is a hormone Estradiol, can make a few metabolic or mood-related changes in your body (1). These changes may or may not trigger cravings and binge eating. However, Minivelle can cause rapid weight gain in some individuals because of water retention.

It is reported in a lot of clinical trials and this excess fluid can make you a lot heavier on the scale. This type of weight gain is not so difficult to lose. Once your body removes all the excess fluid, you go back to your normal body weight. 

However, weight caused by a change in your eating patterns does require hard work to go away. 

What to do if Minivelle makes you gain weight? 

If Minvielle makes you gain weight, inform your healthcare provider. Your doctor can suggest either an alternative or some other medication added with Minivelle. This can help control your weight and prevent any future weight gain. 

However, your doctor may ask you about your lifestyle and how active you are. If you’re leading a poor lifestyle, you will more likely gain weight on Minivelle. 

So, it’s up to you to eliminate all the dietary factors of weight gain to help prevent any further complications. You should also have a good exercise regimen to help you recover faster. 

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Hariri L, Rehman A. Estradiol. 2022 Jul 11. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan–. PMID: 31747204. Available from: