Does Prozac stabilize mood? (+3 factors)

In this article, we will discuss whether Prozac stabilizes mood. We will also discuss some research studies and alternative treatment options for managing mood swings.

Does Prozac stabilize mood?

Yes, Prozac stabilizes mood. It is an antidepressant that belongs to a class of medications known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

Prozac (Fluoxetine) is usually used to treat anxiety, depression and other mental health conditions (1).

Mood swings are abrupt and intense changes in one’s emotional state shifting from one mood to another. In depression, individuals often feel episodes of intense sadness and low mood. Within these episodes, mood swings can occur, with moments of deeper sadness followed by periods of relatively less intense sadness.

Prozac, being an antidepressant, helps in the stabilization of mood in individuals. It reduces negative thoughts and other symptoms of anxiety and depression.

What does research suggest?

Several reported cases support the use of Prozac in mood stabilization associated with depression. One study suggested that the combination of Fluoxetine and Olanzapine could work well for bipolar I mixed depression. When compared, it was as effective as Olanzapine alone (2).

The study indicated that Fluoxetine alongside a mood-stabilizing drug like Olanzapine did not make bipolar mixed depression worse and actually showed effectiveness (2).

Another study reported a case in which MR.A, a 21-year-old student, sought help for anxiety and anger. He was diagnosed with bipolar II disorder due to short-lasting hypomania and major depressive episodes (3).

He was initially treated with Prozac and Sodium Valproate, his mood improved but alternated between highs and lows (3).

Eventually, a regimen of twice weekly Fluoxetine alongside Sodium valproate helped stabilize his mood, preventing both depressive and hypomanic episodes. 20mg Fluoxetine twice a week stopped depressive episodes and did not trigger hypomania for a year (3).

This method seems to work well as a mood stabilizer for bipolar II disorder (3). Some other antidepressants like Celexa and Wellbutrin also help in reducing mood swings.

When can Prozac be prescribed for mood swings?

In some cases, healthcare professionals may consider Prozac as an off-label option for mood stabilization in bipolar depression.

The decision to use Prozac for managing mood swings should be made by a healthcare professional based on a thorough evaluation of the individual’s symptoms, overall condition, medical history and clinical presentation.

Prescribing Prozac along with a mood stabilizer is usually reserved for bipolar depressed patients who are unresponsive to standard treatment. This approach is supported by some scientific studies (2,3).

What are the factors affecting Prozac’s efficacy in stabilizing mood?

Multiple factors can impact the efficacy of Prozac in stabilizing mood. Some of these factors include:

Dosage: The right Prozac dosage differs for each person. It is important to find a dose that handles symptoms well while avoiding side effects.

Individual response: Each person has a unique genetic makeup, which can affect how they respond to medication. Factors such as metabolism and overall health can all influence the individual’s response to Prozac.

Co-occurring conditions: Prozac may be prescribed to stabilize mood in individuals with other underlying conditions such as anxiety or bipolar disorder. The presence of these co-occurring conditions may impact the overall effectiveness of Prozac in stabilising mood.

Consistency in use: Like any medication the effectiveness of Prozac greatly depends on proper compliance and adherence to the prescribed dosage. Consistency in taking the medication as directed by the health provider is essential for achieving optimal results.

Duration: Prozac often takes time to show its full effects. Long-term use might be necessary for sustained mood stabilization. 

Lifestyle factors and stress: Certain lifestyle factors such as diet, sleep patterns and stress levels can potentially influence the effectiveness of  Prozac. 

What to do if Prozac is not stabilizing your mood?

If you think Prozac is not stabilizing your mood, it is crucial to discuss it with your healthcare provider who can evaluate your situation. They will have the expertise to guide you through the process and develop an appropriate plan.

They may gradually increase your dose to see if it works. If the dose escalation is well tolerated, your doctor may increase the dose till mood stabilization occurs.

Adding a mood stabilizer

Moreover, depending on the nature of mood swings, the healthcare professional may suggest reducing the dose of Prozac. If the mood swings are severe, a gradual tapering approach followed by discontinuation may be recommended.

In addition, adding a mood stabilizer to the treatment regimen can help stabilize mood. These include (4,5):

  • Lithium
  • Sodium valproate
  • Lamotrigine
  • Carbamezipine


In my view, Prozac is an antidepressant commonly used to treat anxiety and depression. While it’s primary function is not a mood stabilizer, it may help stabilize mood in some individuals.

I suggest, consulting a healthcare professional to determine if Prozac is suitable for stabilizing mood based on individual circumstances.

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