Does Prozac help misophonia? (+3 factors)

In this article, we will explore whether Prozac can help with misophonia or not, whether Prozac is a viable option for treatment or not, what factors affect the effectiveness of Prozac as a treatment therapy and what other medications are available for the treatment.

Does Prozac help misophonia?

Yes, Prozac (Fluoxetine) can help with misophonia. However, it is not a cure for the condition. Misophonia is also known as selective sound sensitivity syndrome.

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are reported to be the most effective class of antidepressants that are found to reduce the symptoms of misophonia (1). Prozac belonging to the class of SSRI is helpful in the treatment as well. However, the treatment of misophonia requires a combination of pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy treatments. 

If you are considering Prozac for misophonia, consulting with your healthcare provider such as your doctor is important. They can evaluate your specific situation, discuss potential treatment options and help you weigh risks and benefits.

Can Prozac be a viable treatment option for misophonia?

Prozac can be a treatment option for misophonia (1). There have been many case reports highlighting the role of Prozac in alleviating the symptoms of misophonia.

In 2013, a 14-year-old girl reported with misophonia was successfully treated in Amsterdam by the use of Fluoxetine. The starting dose was 10mg/d which was gradually raised up to 20mg/d. After 4 months, there was a significant reduction in her symptoms (2). 

Another case was reported where the patient showed symptoms of misophonia and was treated with Fluoxetine 40mg/d and showed significant improvement in his condition after a few months of treatment (3).

How does Prozac help with misophonia?

The use of Prozac for misophonia depends upon the severity of the condition and the individual’s response to medication. Prozac may be an effective treatment option for misophonia by treating it in the following ways.

Emotional regulation

Prozac is primarily used to treat mood disorders by potentiating the levels of serotonin (4). Serotonin is the neurotransmitter that helps with the regulation of mood, anxiety and pain perception. People with misophonia often feel extreme emotional reactions to trigger sounds.

Prozac (fluoxetine) may help to reduce the intensity of these emotions by increasing the serotonin levels (5). 

Anxiety reduction

Misophonia can often lead to heightened anxiety and stress. This is because the anticipation of hearing a trigger sound is as distressing as the sound itself. 

Prozac is effective in minimizing anxiety which can help the patient with misophonia to cope with trigger sounds (6).

Neurotransmitter modulation

Prozac can help reduce the intensity of emotional reactions to trigger sound by altering the ways the brain processes the sound and emotion. 

Prozac may help to reduce the amygdala’s response to trigger sounds. The amygdala is the brain region that is involved in the processing of fear and anxiety. By reducing the amygdala’s response, Prozac may help to reduce the emotional intensity of the reaction (7). 

What factors affect the response to Prozac’s treatment of misophonia?

Prozac can be a treatment option but consulting your healthcare provider is essential as Prozac has its list of side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, fatigue etc that can do more harm than good if taken without proper guidance. Several factors can affect the response to Prozac treatment. The factors include:

The severity of the condition: Those with more intense and disruptive symptoms may be less likely to experience a significant reduction in misophonia-related distress. This could be due to the complex nature of misophonia which may require more comprehensive therapeutic approaches.

Duration of the condition: The duration of misophonia can also impact the response time. Individuals who have misophonia for longer periods may find it more challenging to overcome the symptoms even with the help of medication.

This could be due to the potential development of ingrained emotional and behavioural responses to trigger sounds over time. 

Concurrent mental health conditions: Misophonia often co-occurs with various mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety.

When individuals have concurrent mental health conditions, especially when they are the primary focus of the treatment, the effectiveness of Prozac might be reduced. Prozac may primarily target symptoms of anxiety and depression rather than misophonia. 

Interaction with other medications: Concurrent use of medications can influence the effectiveness of Prozac in the patients. Other medications may enhance or diminish the effect of Prozac. Healthcare providers need to consider the drug interactions.

Age: Prozac’s effectiveness may vary with age. It is possible that older adults may experience different effects as compared to younger ones. Factors such as the rate of metabolism and age-related changes to the body’s physiology might be the cause. 

Genetics: Genetic factors may also contribute to an individual’s response to Prozac treatment. Some people may be genetically predisposed to respond less effectively to the medication. 

What are the available treatment options for misophonia?

At this time, there is no FDA-approved treatment for misophonia. Psychotherapies are more effective treatments as compared to pharmacotherapies. However, there are a number of treatment options that have been proven to be effective in some people. These include (8) (1):

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
  • Sound Therapy
  • Tinnitus retraining therapy (TRT)
  • Some medications such as Prozac and Zoloft

In addition to the above treatments, several self-care strategies can help treat misophonia. 

  • Identify and avoid the triggers
  • Use relaxation techniques such as meditation and yoga
  • Talk to a therapist or a counsellor to help cope with emotional reactions.
  • Use background or white noise machines that can help create a neutral and consistent sound environment.
  • Distract yourself with activities that you enjoy.
  • Avoid caffeine and stimulants that exacerbate the anxiety.


In my opinion, Prozac can help with the condition of misophonia but is not a 100% cure for it. There is no drug treatment that FDA has approved for misophonia as psychotherapies are more effective in managing this mental health disorder. If you experience the symptoms then consulting your doctor is the best approach rather than self-medication. 

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