Does Prozac cause tingling? (9 factors)

In this article, we will discuss whether Prozac causes tingling. Additionally, we will talk about the link between Prozac and tingling, factors contributing to tingling, withdrawal symptoms, and the management of withdrawal symptoms when stopping Prozac. 

Does Prozac cause tingling?

Prozac may or may not cause tingling when used to treat depression. However, a few patients may rarely experience this tingling sensation while taking or stopping the medication. If Prozac is abruptly discontinued, it may cause a tingling sensation as a withdrawal symptom (1). Do not stop taking Prozac without informing your healthcare provider.

Whenever there is a need to discontinue Prozac or any other antidepressant, your doctor will gradually reduce it by tapering off the medication that belongs to the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) class of drugs.  

SSRIs work by increasing the serotonin levels in the brain by blocking their reuptake in brain cells. Serotonin is a chemical neurotransmitter that regulates  sleep, mood, appetite, and the body’s stress response (2). 

Tingling is an abnormal sensation that is mostly felt in fingers, feet, legs, hands, or arms. Although tingling might be a withdrawal symptom of Prozac, there might be other underlying factors that can cause this sensory disturbance (3).  

What is the link between Prozac and tingling?

Prozac, being an SSRI, is known to cause tingling and numbness upon withdrawal. However, a case study indicated that a patient taking Prozac experienced strange sensations and numbness in his face. When he stopped taking Prozac and switched to another medicine, these symptoms subsided and he felt better.

This study also indicated that patients felt sensory disturbances such as tingling or numbness when taking or stopping Prozac. These side effects may occur due to alterations in serotonin levels in the brain cells by SSRIs such as Prozac (4). 

Another case study indicated that a patient with depression and anxiety also suffered from a tingling sensation in his tongue. This tingling sensation was found to be due to his mental health condition. When he was treated with Prozac, this tingling sensation went away, and his depression was resolved with this medication (5).

What other factors can contribute to tingling when taking Prozac?

Some other factors that can contribute to tingling while taking Prozac may include:

  • Deficiency of vitamins
  • Abnormal levels of electrolytes
  • Use of certain medicines
  • Nerve-related conditions
  • Sitting or standing in the same position for a longer period
  • Lack of blood supply to extremities (toes, fingers) (3)

What are the withdrawal symptoms of Prozac?

Withdrawal symptoms may begin within hours to days of reducing the dose of Prozac. Due to its long half-life, withdrawal symptoms may also result after 10 days of stopping Prozac.

The withdrawal symptoms associated with Prozac are generally mild and may subside after a few days of dose reduction and discontinuation, including:

  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Stomach disturbances 
  • Weight changes
  • Anxiety
  • Sleep disturbances 
  • Tingling 
  • Vivid dreams
  • Relapse of depression (6)

How to manage tingling related to Prozac?

Some patients may experience tingling as a side effect while taking Prozac and others as a withdrawal symptom. If Prozac or any other antidepressant is used for more than 6 weeks, they have the potential to cause withdrawal symptoms. 

Prozac should be gradually reduced over a minimum period of 4 weeks. For tingling sensations, you must keep a healthy and active lifestyle including exercise to improve your blood circulation. 

Improved blood circulation will help you cope with the tingling sensations that you may experience even after the gradual discontinuation of Prozac (7). You may use over-the-counter medicines to treat withdrawal symptoms such as insomnia, headaches, and stomach disturbances. 


According to my analysis, a tingling sensation while taking Prozac may occur, but it is rare. However, Prozac is commonly known for causing tingling on discontinuation. The withdrawal symptoms associated with Prozac are generally mild and may appear after a few days. Although, there is a risk of relapse of depression, therefore, your doctor will prescribe you another antidepressant to manage depression. 

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