Does Prozac cause hypersexuality? (3+ factors)

In this article, we will discuss whether Prozac causes hypersexuality or not, research findings correlating between Prozac and hypersexuality, factors that may influence sexual behavior while taking Prozac, and strategies for managing hypersexuality while taking Prozac.

Does Prozac cause hypersexuality?

Yes, Prozac can cause hypersexuality (increase in sexual desire or libido) as a side effect of its use.

Hypersexuality is a possible adverse effect that may happen to a small percentage of individuals who are taking antidepressants, especially SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) such as Prozac.

Hypersexuality is an uncommon adverse effect of Prozac, which means that many patients who are taking Prozac do not experience hypersexuality.

Contact your healthcare provider if you experience an excessive increase in sexual desire while taking Prozac. They can modify your dose or change your medication to another antidepressant with fewer adverse effects.

What does research suggest?

According to a research study, Prozac (fluoxetine) was shown to increase hypersexuality in certain individuals. Patients who used Prozac for the treatment of depression reported higher rates of sexual drive or hypersexuality than patients who didn’t use Prozac. An increase in hypersexuality has also been connected to other SSRIs such as paroxetine (Paxil). (1)

Other research was conducted on fluoxetine and hypersexuality. This research suggested that men with paraphilia (persistent sexual interest), or sexual addiction may benefit from fluoxetine in terms of improving certain hypersexuality symptoms such as sexual preoccupation.

However, further research is still required to fully comprehend the effects of fluoxetine on hypersexuality. (2)

What factors can contribute to hypersexuality while taking Prozac?

There are a number of factors that can contribute to hypersexuality while taking Prozac, some of which include:

Modifications or alterations to brain pathways: Over time, obsessive sexual activity may lead to modifications in the brain pathways. This occurs in a particular region in the brain. As time goes on, more sexual activity stimulation is typically required to feel relieved or satisfied.

Brain chemicals imbalance: An imbalance in the brain’s natural neurotransmitters and chemicals such as dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin (if excessively elevated and imbalanced) can change and increase your sexual behavior and activity leading to hypersexuality.

Brain diseases or medical conditions: The brain parts that influence sexual attitudes and behavior may be damaged by certain medical diseases such as epilepsy, dementia, and Parkinson’s disease. Also, Parkinson’s disease medications such as carbamazepine can cause hypersexuality in certain individuals. (3)

What are the medications used to treat hypersexuality?

There are no specific approved treatments for hypersexuality. However, some medications are found helpful and effective in treating the symptoms of hypersexuality by acting on certain neurotransmitters and hormones in the brain such as: (4)

Anti-androgens. Examples of anti-androgen include finasteride which target male sex hormone and can be used in extreme cases of hypersexuality.

Mood stabilizers. Lithium and valproate are examples of mood stabilizers that were found useful in treating hypersexuality in bipolar patients.

Anti-anxiety medications. Bupropion was found helpful in treating hypersexuality in patients with anxiety.

Naltrexone. This medication is used to treat opioid and alcohol addiction. Naltrexone was also found useful in treating sex addiction.

Antidepressants. Medications that are used to treat depression such as bupropion and Prozac can help treat hypersexuality in MDD patients.

Antipsychotics such as olanzapine can be helpful in reducing sexual desire, climax, and arousal.

ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) medications were found useful in treating hypersexuality in ADHD patients.

What are some helpful strategies for handling hypersexuality?

There are several strategies that are found useful for handling hypersexuality while taking Prozac, some of which include:

Seek early treatment for issues related to hypersexuality. Early detection and treatment of issues may help stop obsessive sexual attitudes from worsening over time. Seeking assistance can also stop dangerous behaviors, and interpersonal issues from getting worse.

Seek Psychotherapy as soon as possible. Contact your psychiatrist immediately if hypersexuality is affecting your daily life activities and is getting worse over time. They might opt to reduce your dose or change Prozac to another suitable antidepressant (rather than SSRIs) with fewer adverse effects on sexual function such as bupropion. (5)

Avert dangerous situations. Avoid placing yourself in places and situations where you could be seduced to participate in unsafe sexual practices, as this could endanger your health or harm the people around you. (3)


Based on my understanding and investigation, Prozac use may result in hypersexuality as a side effect. If hypersexuality interferes with your day-to-day activities, speak with your psychiatrist or healthcare practitioner about changing your dosage or medication.

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Montejo AL, Prieto N, de Alarcón R, Casado-Espada N, de la Iglesia J, Montejo L. Management Strategies for Antidepressant-Related Sexual Dysfunction: A Clinical Approach. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2019 Oct 7;8(10):1640. Available from:,serotoninergic%20drug%20or%20fluvoxamine%3B%20for

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