Does Pristiq help bipolar disorder? (+5 alternates)

In this article, we will discuss the use of Pristiq for bipolar disorder. We will discuss the efficiency or contradiction of Pristiq with bipolar disorder. Furthermore, we will look at some alternate drugs used for the treatment of bipolar conditions. 

Does Pristiq help bipolar disorder?

No, Pristiq does not help bipolar disorder. Pristiq is not approved for the treatment of bipolar disorder, mania, or bipolar depression (1). 

Pristiq is a serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) antidepressant that increases the amount of these neurotransmitters in the brain by inhibiting the reuptake of these chemicals. Pristiq is FDA-approved for the treatment of major depressive disorder (MDD) (2). 

Pristiq is not approved to be used in maniac or bipolar patients because this drug possesses the risk of potentially triggering manic or hypomanic episodes in some patients (1).

Therefore, if you have bipolar disorder along with depressive symptoms, then Pristiq is not the drug of choice for this condition. Contact your doctor for suitable medications for your health condition. 

What does research suggest?

Research studies suggest that antidepressants may induce mania in some patients. Pristiq is recommended for use for major depressive disorder and not recommended for bipolar disorder as it may worsen the patient’s condition (3).

One case of a patient has been reported with an established diagnosis of MDD who developed acute mania after initiating the antidepressant treatment with 50mg Pristiq per day (3).

Three weeks into this treatment he started showing aggressiveness, irritation, and psychomotor agitation. Upon examination, he displayed severe symptoms of psychosis and mania (3).

However, the patient was immediately discontinued Pristiq and replaced with risperidone and lorazepam. Upon discontinuation of Pristiq, he showed marked improvement in manic symptoms (3). 

This case indicates that patients with no prior history of mania are also prone to develop manic symptoms by taking Pristiq. Some other cases of patients have also been reported of medication-induced mania with venlafaxine which is a parent compound of Pristiq (3). 

What is the relationship between Pristiq and bipolar disorder?

The relationship between Pristiq and bipolar disorder or mania is complex. You may require careful consideration and monitoring if taking an antidepressant such as Pristiq with a bipolar condition. 

Pristiq is associated with inducing mania or hypomanic conditions in patients therefore, its use is not considered safe in bipolar patients.

However, in some cases, doctors may prescribe Pristiq in combination with a mood stabilizer for bipolar conditions.  Monotherapy with Pristiq is never used in bipolar conditions due to the chances of adversities (3). 

What are the FDA-approved medications for bipolar disorder?

Following are the medications that are approved by the FDA for the treatment of bipolar disorder (4):

Mood stabilizers 

  • Lithium 
  • Valproate

Atypical antipsychotics

  • Aripiprazole
  • Olanzapine
  • Quetiapine
  • Risperidone


  • Carbamazepine
  • Lamotrigine

These drugs may be given as a monotherapy or in combination based on your signs and symptoms. Therefore, always consult your doctor before taking these medications for bipolar disorder. 

Your doctor may consider recommending you FDA-approved drug for treating manic episodes. Lamotrigine may be a safe option to be taken either in the morning or at night prescribed by your doctor based on your health. 

What are the approved treatment strategies for bipolar disorder?

Some approved adjunctive treatment strategies for bipolar condition in the long-term maintenance include (5):

  • Family-focused therapy- This involves the patients and their caregivers in almost 21 sessions of psychoeducation, communication, and problem-solving skills training. 


  • Cognitive-behavioural therapy- This therapy helps patients get out of the loop of negative thinking patterns and behaviours that cause emotional distress. It has been very beneficial in depressive patients with episodes of mania/hypomania. 


  • Interpersonal and social rhythm therapy- There is a direct connection between mood and circadian rhythms. Through this therapy, a problem-solving approach to the interpersonal problems of patients is implemented which enables them to maintain their circadian cycles and daily routines. 


  • Psychoeducation- Group education is provided to the patients regarding their illnesses, treatment plans, early detection of recurrences, and sleep and wake cycle maintenance. 

In conclusion, I would suggest that always stick to your doctor’s prescription. Although Pristiq may exacerbate bipolar conditions and may cause manic and hypomanic symptoms in some patients, you should not stop the drug without consulting your doctor. 

As a pharmacist, my key advice is to always talk to your doctor honestly about your symptoms and side effects so they can prescribe the best choice of drug for your safe and effective treatment. 

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