Does Pradaxa make you tired? 

Does Pradaxa make you tired? 

Pradaxa (Dabigatran) may or may not make you tired. This medication is not commonly associated with causing tiredness, but it is reported in some cases during the early stages of the treatment. 

It’s more commonly observed in people who are new to this medication. Some people, however, do not complain of any such side effects. 

This is probably because medications react differently in different people and factors like your age, weight, genes, the severity of symptoms, dosage strength, and overall health status create diversity. 

Should you be concerned about tiredness caused by Pradaxa? 

If you have just started taking Pradaxa and you feel tired, don’t worry. This is probably just a startup side effect and will most likely subside on its own within a few days. 

Some people may take longer to recover, but they eventually do. However, if you have been using Pradaxa for a long time and you have started feeling tired almost all the time, this might not be a good sign. 

Pradaxa can affect your liver when used for a long period of time and fatigue could be the first sign of liver damage. 

This is why you should immediately reach out to your healthcare provider, who will most likely recommend liver function tests to make sure your liver is working fine. 

What to do if Pradaxa makes you tired?

If you’re a new user but you experience severe tiredness that starts to affect the quality of your life, reach out to your doctor. Not every medication works to benefit your health. 

Some may not generally do well once inside your body and such medications should not be continued. However, it is not recommended to stop using Pradaxa without your doctor’s approval. 

Final words

To sum up, Pradaxa may or may not cause tiredness. Side effects caused by this medication can vary from person to person, depending on factors like age, dosage strength, underlying health condition, and overall physiological well-being.

Just make sure this medication is just as directed by your doctor. If you are concerned about any of the side effects, discuss them with your provider. 

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National Health Service (NHS). Dabigatran: side effects of dabigatran [Internet]. NHS.UK. 2021 [cited 2023 Jan 5]. Available from: