Does Phenylalanine show up on a drug test? 

Does Phenylalanine show up on a drug test?

Phenylalanine does not usually show up on a drug test. It’s an amino acid that we ingest through our diet. Since it is not a drug of abuse or anything of the sort and is generally present in our body – Phenylalanine is not something drug tests look for in your body. 

However, it may show a false positive for stimulants only if it is present in higher amounts. The amount of Phenylalanine in your body is usually less than 2 kg/dL. 

If you happen to have a higher concentration of this amino acid in your body as a result of taking Phenylalanine supplements, it may or may not show a false positive. 

However, this is not common in modern drug testing procedures like Gas Chromatography – Mass spectroscopy (GC-MS). Make sure you inform the drug testing authority about taking Phenylalanine prior to the test just to be on the safe side. 

How is Phenylalanine different from drugs that show up on a drug test?

Phenylalanine and other supplements are different from drugs that show up on a drug test in several ways. Firstly, supplements like Phenylalanine are typically considered natural substances or amino acids that are found in certain foods. (1,2)

They are not classified as drugs and are generally regarded as safe for consumption. On the other hand, drugs that show up on drug tests are often synthetic substances or medications that are specifically formulated to have certain effects on the body.

Secondly, supplements like phenylalanine are usually available over the counter and do not require a prescription. They are commonly used as dietary supplements to support various aspects of health and well-being. 

In contrast, drugs that show up on drug tests are often regulated substances that require a prescription from a healthcare professional. These drugs are typically prescribed for medical conditions and have specific indications and dosages.

Lastly, when it comes to drug testing, the purpose is usually to detect the presence of illegal or controlled substances in the body. Supplements like Phenylalanine and L-Tyrosine are generally not included in these drug tests because they are not considered illicit or controlled substances. 

Drug tests are designed to identify substances such as Opioids, Cannabinoids, Amphetamines, and other drugs that are commonly associated with abuse or prohibited use. (3,4)

Final words

To sum up, Phenylalanine does not show up on a drug test. However, it’s important to note that certain supplements or dietary products may contain ingredients that are not accurately listed on the label, and these could potentially affect your results.

Therefore, it’s always recommended to exercise caution when using any supplements and consult with a healthcare professional if you have concerns about drug testing or potential interactions with other substances.

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PubChem [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), National Center for Biotechnology Information; 2004-. PubChem Compound Summary for CID 6140, Phenylalanine; [cited 2023 July 3]. Available from:


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