Does Phenazopyridine expire? 

Does Phenazopyridine expire? 

Yes, Phenazopyridine does expire like every other medication out there. The formulation does not only contain active ingredients as a lot of other excipients, like binders, disintegrants, preservatives etc, are also added to make the drug palatable and to enhance its stability. 

These excipients can also expire. Even if the chemical moiety of the drug remains intact, the formulation itself can become unsafe to take. This is why it’s best to avoid using medications that have expired. 

What are the dangers associated with the use of expired Phenazopyridine? 

The most important concern when it comes to taking expired Phenazopyridine is an inadequate therapeutic response. This medication can be taken to relieve pain in the urinary tract because of the ongoing UTI. 

If you take an expired dose of Phenazopyridine, you will achieve little to no pain relief. If the tablets have expired recently, the drug may be able to work with its full potency (1). 

However, if it’s in your medicine cabinet for longer than you could remember or it has been a year or two since the drug expired, I would not recommend you to take it, especially if you’re in a lot of pain. 

It may not necessarily become toxic, but the expired preservatives can make the drug susceptible to microbial contamination, and this is something you definitely don’t want when you already have an active bacterial infection in your body. 

What to do if you have taken expired Phenazopyridine? 

If you have taken a single dose of Phenazopyridine, don’t worry. As we have discussed earlier, the drug does not become toxic and it will not harm you.

However, you may not notice any difference in your condition. That’s when you should realise that no matter how many more of this expired Phenazopyridine you take, it will not work. It’s best to talk to your healthcare provider for a new prescription. 

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U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Don’t Be Tempted to Use Expired Medicines [Internet]. Silver Spring (MD): U.S. Food and Drug Administration; 2021 [cited 2022 Oct 18]. Available from: