Does Mupirocin expire? 

Does Mupirocin expire? 

Yes, Mupirocin does expire in 6 months once the packaging has opened. In the case of an unopened tube, the shelf life is usually 2 years from the manufacturing date, and that too if it is stored in ideal conditions. 

It is not recommended to use Mupirocin ointment past its expiry date. It is an antibiotic in nature and it may not be effective. It can even spread the infection if the chemical activity of the drug is lost. People use Mupirocin for skin conditions like acne and impetigo and the expired ointment may not help such conditions effectively. 

What are the dangers associated with the use of expired Mupirocin? 

Expired Mupirocin can be quite dangerous, especially if you’re using it for a completely active bacterial infection. A few possibilities include:

  • Inadequate antibacterial activity may lead to the worsening of the infection. 
  • Antibiotic resistance may occur if the ointment is persistently applied. This can lead to therapeutic failure even after using a new Mupirocin ointment 
  • Allergic reactions may occur at the site of the ointment application. You may experience redness of the skin, itching, burning sensation, blisters, etc

It is strongly recommended to check the expiry date of Mupirocin before using this ointment. Take proper care of the storage as well once you have opened the ointment tube. 

Do not store it at high temperatures or else the drug may start to deteriorate earlier. If you see any difference in the smell, colour, or texture of the ointment, do not use it. 

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has strongly recommended against the use of expired medications (1). Expired pharmaceuticals have no guarantee whatsoever and less potent antibiotics may worsen your infection.

What to do if you have accidentally used expired Mupirocin?

If you have accidentally applied expired Mupirocin ointment to your skin and it feels unusual, immediately wash it off. Although a single application may not affect you at all, some people may respond to it differently. 

If you are using Mupirocin ointment that expired long ago, it surely won’t have adequate antibacterial activity and it won’t help your symptoms. It is in your best interest to not use that ointment anymore and get a new one. 

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U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Don’t Be Tempted to Use Expired Medicines [Internet]. Silver Spring (MD): U.S. Food and Drug Administration; 2021 [cited 2022 Oct 14]. Available from: