Does Mirtazapine cause anger?

This article will discuss anger associated with the use of Mirtazapine, an antidepressant. We will discuss how this antidepressant can affect your mood and some ways to manage your anger while taking the medication. 

Does Mirtazapine cause anger?

Yes, Mirtazapine can cause anger and agitation in some people. Although this antidepressant can stabilise mood and behavioural patterns once an individual settles in, it may affect your mood during the early course of the treatment (1). 

If you find yourself unusually angry or unable to take things positively, please talk to your healthcare provider. Mood disturbances are quite common with antidepressants and these meds don’t work in the same way in every other case. This is exactly why discussing your side effects with a mental healthcare professional is crucial.  

What is the incidence of anger caused by Mirtazapine?

The incidence of Mirtazapine-induced anger is not fully established. Mirtazapine can have different effects on people. Some individuals may experience anger while taking this antidepressant. 

However, it’s important to note that not everyone will have this reaction, and many people find Mirtazapine helpful in managing their mood (2). 

What does research suggest?

There is limited research on the negative effects of Mirtazapine on mood and behaviour, as the antidepressant can control anger outbursts and intrusive thoughts. However, it can cause anger in some people. The exact mechanism behind this potential side effect is not fully understood. 

However, it is known that Mirtazapine affects certain chemicals in the brain, including serotonin and norepinephrine, which regulate mood and emotions (3). It’s believed that the changes in these neurotransmitters may contribute to changes in emotional experiences in some individuals.

During clinical studies, Mirtazapine showed an improvement in mood and behavioural patterns. A 2005 study indicated that Mirtazapine can control anger, agitation, and suicidal thoughts within 1-2 weeks of treatment (4). 

The study also indicated that the future effects of Mirtazapine can be predicted in patients after 1-2 weeks of treatment (4). 

If the drug fails to control the symptoms of depression during the first few weeks or causes anger or extreme emotional behavioural changes, this may indicate that this medication is not the right choice for such an individual (4). 

What to do if Mirtazapine causes anger as a side effect?

If you’re experiencing anger as a side effect of taking Mirtazapine, it’s crucial to communicate this with your doctor. Sometimes, adjusting the dosage or trying a different medication within the same class might be recommended. 

Your doctor will consider various factors, including your overall health, medical history, and the specific symptoms you’re experiencing. If it turns out that Mirtazapine is not the best option for you, your doctor will determine an alternative treatment strategy for you.

Just make sure you don’t make any changes to your prescription without consulting your doctor first. Mirtazapine and other antidepressants should never be stopped abruptly. If your doctor believes you need to stop taking the medication, he/she will safely taper it off. 


In this article, we have discussed Mirtazapine-induced anger and agitation. We have also talked about the beneficial effects of Mirtazapine on mood and behavioural patterns once the antidepressant kicks in. 

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