Does Meclizine cause weight gain as a side effect? 

Does Meclizine cause weight gain as a side effect? 

Meclizine may or may not cause weight gain as a side effect. Some people have reported a little weight gain and some have reported none. This anti-allergy medication can cause a number of different effects in different individuals. 

Other factors may also contribute to weight gain. However, case studies have shown that some people can actually lose weight on this medication. 

It can cause diarrhoea and nausea, which may make food undesirable for you. When you begin to eat less than your body needs, you lose weight. Let’s look at the weight-gaining mechanism of this med. 

How does Meclizine cause weight gain? 

Weight gain on Meclizine is usually caused by excessive eating habits. The drug can increase your appetite, which leads to eating more than your body requires. This can make you gain weight over time and is considered a long-term side effect of this antihistamine (1). 

Some people may experience a mild increase in appetite. This can not be a problem, especially if they opt for good food and do exercise. However, some people may suffer from a significant increase in appetite, and not just that. 

Some people have also reported a sudden urge to eat sugary foods. This craving can lead to rapid weight gain, especially if you give in to it. Experts believe that the drug usually targets people who are already overweight or obese. 

It becomes hard for such people to control their appetite, especially older women. Post-menopausal women are more susceptible to this type of side effects because of ongoing hormonal changes in their bodies. Make sure you properly monitor your weight gain and eating patterns. 

If you experience anything unusual, immediately report it to your healthcare provider. 

What to do if Meclizine makes you gain weight? 

There are a few things you can try if Meclizine makes you gain weight. These include:

Stay active 

Exercise is the best way to lose weight. It boosts your metabolism and makes your physiological systems healthier and stronger. It can also help you with the symptoms associated with depression by releasing happy chemicals in your brain. 

Exercise also releases the built-up negative energy from your body. You don’t have to follow a strict or nerve-racking exercise regimen that your body can’t bear. 

If you’re a beginner, start by walking 20 to 30 minutes every day and gradually increase your time duration and your walking pace. Once your body builds up some endurance, that’s when you can switch to a good workout session. 

Opt for healthier food options to satisfy your hunger 

If Meclizine increases your appetite and you feel hungry more and more, it is best to opt for good food options, food that can make you feel full for a longer period of time without affecting your weight and metabolism. 

The best choices, in this case, are lean protein and good fats. They can not only help you feel full, but they also taste good and help boost your metabolism.

Talk to your healthcare provider 

The most basic approach to getting rid of Meclizine-induced weight gain is to talk to your healthcare provider. If Meclizine makes you gain a significant amount of weight, your doctor may ask you to make some dietary changes or may add another medication to help prevent this side effect. 

Your doctor may also discontinue your treatment with Meclizine. Proper consideration is required when you already suffer from a metabolic disorder like diabetes mellitus. 

Refrain from overusing Meclizine 

It is extremely important to take Meclizine only when needed or just as prescribed by your healthcare provider. As Meclizine is an antihistamine, it can actively induce sleep like other anti-allergy medications. This can make this medication susceptible to overuse. 

Meclizine is available as both OTC and prescription Meclizine. People should only take OTC Meclizine for occasional nausea or motion sickness. People taking prescription Meclizine should stick to the recommended dose. 

Make sure you don’t take it more often than needed. If your symptoms persist, reach out to your doctor.

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