Does Linzess cause weight gain? 

Does Linzess cause weight gain? 

Yes, Linzess does cause weight gain as a side effect. A lot of research studies may tell you otherwise, but this side effect is extremely common among people who actually use it. 

However, the drug may also make some people lose weight. It is impossible to predict how your body will react once it is exposed to Linzess. The best thing to do is to reach out to your healthcare provider if you’re gaining weight on Linzess rapidly. 

Linzess and weight gain in the light of research 

There are many reasons why Linzess can possibly cause weight gain as a side effect, according to research. Many theories are related to the mechanism of action of this drug. Several research studies have indicated that Linzess can make your body retain water (1). 

Now we all are aware of the fact that your water weight can significantly affect your overall weight and can make you heavier on the scales. This effect is commonly reported by people and this type of weight is the easiest to lose. 

When you begin to lose excessive fluids from your body, your weight goes back to normal. However, some people have experienced Linzess-induced weight gain without any water retention. 

They just felt bloated all the time and complained of a heavy, tender, and painful stomach. This can indicate that Linzess is associated with weight gain. However, the exact reason for this side effect is still unknown and further research is required for a proper conclusion.

What to do if Linzess makes you gain weight? 

If Linzess makes you gain a significant amount of weight in a very short span of time, there are a few things you can try to keep that weight off. These include:

Consult your healthcare provider 

The first and most important thing is to inform your doctor about Linzess-induced weight gain and discuss the possible reasons why this drug is affecting you in this way. 

If fluid retention is the cause of weight gain in your body, then your healthcare provider may suggest something to help you with it. 

In severe cases, your doctor may prescribe you a low-dose diuretic to help eliminate the excess water from your body and switch you to another medication to relieve your constipation. 

However, do not use diuretics without your doctor’s approval. These meds are associated with a number of side effects and may significantly slow down the heart rate of a normal person as they reduce blood pressure. 

Drink coffee 

Coffee can significantly help you with a lot of things, but make sure not to drink it with Linzess. There should be a sufficient time gap between coffee and Linzess to prevent the chance of any interaction. 

Caffeine, the chemically active moiety in coffee, can help you with a lot of things. Caffeine acts as a natural diuretic. It can help increase your urine output and can remove excess water from your body. This can help you with Linzess-induced weight gain. 

Caffeine can also help you with your constipation as this beverage can increase your intestinal motility and help with bowel evacuation. Caffeine can also help boost your metabolism which can help you burn more calories. 

Limit your salt intake 

Make sure you limit your salt intake if the cause of your Linzess-induced weight gain is fluid retention. Water and salt work together to maintain your body’s fluid. 

The excess amount of sodium will cause more water to stay in your body and decrease your urine output. This can make your side effects much worse. So make sure you limit the use of salt as long as you’re taking Linzess. 


Exercise also holds some great importance when it comes to losing weight. It will not only help you with burning fat but sweating can also help you get rid of accumulated water and Sodium in your body, which can significantly make you heavier on the scale. 

Exercise can also help you with symptoms associated with constipation and can help regulate your bowel movements. 

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Kalola UK, Chowdhury YS. Linaclotide. 2023 Mar 12. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan–. PMID: 35201736. Bookshelf ID: NBK578208. Available from: