Does Lexapro help with hypochondria? (3+ benefits)

In this article, we will discuss whether Lexapro helps in the treatment of hypochondria or not. We will also explore what research suggests on this, the potential link between Lexapro and hypochondria, the benefits and drawbacks of Lexapro for hypochondria and some other treatment options for hypochondria.

Does Lexapro help with hypochondria?

Yes, Lexapro may help relieve the symptoms of hypochondria. Although, it is not approved by regulatory agencies to be used specifically for the treatment of hypochondria. 

Lexapro is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). It works by balancing the levels of a neurotransmitter in the brain called serotonin. This chemical is responsible for improving mood and boosting motivation in people who are suffering from depression or anxiety. (1)

Hypochondria is a mental condition in which an individual feels constant fear and excessive worry about having a serious medical condition, without even being diagnosed. It’s a delusion of believing that a person is having some serious illness, hence the condition is also called illness anxiety disorder. (2)

If you or someone you know is sensing the symptoms of hypochondria or anxiety, it’s advisable to consult with your doctor right away so that the appropriate treatment is started on time without any delay.

How does Lexapro help with hypochondria?

Lexapro (escitalopram) is not primarily used for the treatment of hypochondria. It is an SSRI, used to alleviate the symptoms of sadness from a depressed or anxious person. 

However, it is believed that the primary mechanism of action of Lexapro is associated with helping hypochondria so it can be used off-label for this purpose. Lexapro like other SSRIs increase the levels of a mood-boosting chemical in the brain called serotonin. (4)

The increased levels of serotonin are considered to be beneficial for treating general anxiety and illness anxiety disorder by controlling the repetitive intrusive thoughts in a person’s mind about his false illness and positively influencing mood by diminishing fear and worry. (1,4)

It’s important to keep in mind that although medications are very helpful for treating hypochondria, its primary management approach is cognitive behavioural therapy to break the pattern of negative thoughts.

What does research suggest?

According to research, a study was conducted on 195 people with hypochondria. They were split into 4 groups and each group received different treatments. Group 1 was given a fake pill (placebo), group 2 was given an SSRI antidepressant, group 3 was assigned cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and group 4, a combination of SSRI and CBT. (3)

After 24 weeks they recorded the responses and found out that the group being treated with a combination of SSRI antidepressant and CBT showed significant improvement with hypochondia symptoms, rather to the groups that used them alone. (3)

Results indicate that the combined therapy used for the treatment of hypochondria had a higher positive response rate (25%), as compared to other groups. Therefore, SSRIs like fluoxetine and escitalopram are safe and effective for treating illness anxiety disorder. (3)

What are the benefits of taking Lexapro for hypochondria?

Lexapro can offer benefits for some individuals experiencing the symptoms of excessive health-related worry (hypochondria), including: (3,4)

Anxiety reduction: Lexapro can help with excessive worry and anxiety that comes with hypochondria.

Mood stabilization: It can make your mood more stable which can be beneficial for people with hypochondria who go through intense and persistent fears.

Reduction in obsessive thoughts: People with hypochondria may have troublesome repetitive thoughts about their health. SSRIs like Lexapro can manage and control these obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviours. 

Improvement in overall functioning: By addressing the symptoms of worry, fear and anxiety, Lexapro contributes to an improvement in the overall mental and physical health of a person and improves the quality of life.

Prevention of relapse: For some people, Lexapro can help prevent the return of symptoms of hypochondria, especially when used in long-term therapy.

What are the other treatment options for hypochondria?

Here are some common treatment options for hypochondria:

Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT): 

It’s one of the most effective approaches for helping to improve the symptoms of hypochondria. Talking to a therapist or counsellor may help an individual identify their negative thoughts and break the cycle. The goal is to make the person learn better ways to cope and have a positive attitude towards life. (5)

Exposure and response prevention (ERP):

It is a specific form of CBT. This therapy tends to make the patients start focusing on their fears slowly, one by one and helps them to teach ways to tackle the fears and reduce anxiety-induced behaviours.

Mindfulness-based therapies:

These are exercises that help people pay more attention to their thoughts, feelings and emotions. They become more aware of themselves which reduces the feelings of anxiety related to health problems.


Like Lexapro, other SSRIs such as (fluoxetine, sertraline and citalopram) and SNRIs (venlafaxine or duloxetine) may be used to manage anxiety and related symptoms of hypochondria. Don’t take any medication without the approval of your doctor. (6)

Relaxation techniques:

Trying out different relaxation techniques like inhaling and exhaling deep breaths to calm your mind and body, relaxing and stretching your muscles and other forms of meditation are found to help reduce anxiety.

As a pharmacist, In my perspective, Lexapro holds promising results in the treatment of hypochondria, although not being approved for this specific condition. It has improved the conditions of the majority of patients suffering from health-related anxiety by positively altering their thought patterns and boosting awareness along with behavioural therapies.

However, do not start any medication on your own if you’re experiencing any symptoms of anxiety, it’s best to consult your healthcare provider for an appropriate treatment plan based on your situation.

Always keep in mind that everyone is unique and responds differently to medications, so better to monitor yourself when taking any medication prescribed by your doctor. Notice if you sense any concerning side effects and immediately report to the doctor. 

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