Does Lexapro help fibromyalgia? (+3 treatment options)

In this article, we will explore whether Lexapro helps with fibromyalgia or not. The link between these two and other treatment options will also be discussed.

Does Lexapro help fibromyalgia?

Yes, Lexapro can help with fibromyalgia. It is usually prescribed off-label to help the condition. Lexapro is approved for the treatment of depression and anxiety disorders but does not necessarily treat fibromyalgia.

Fibromyalgia is a complex chronic disorder that causes pain and tenderness throughout the body and its management typically involves a multidisciplinary approach including medications that help with the pain and other symptoms of fibromyalgia.

Some antidepressants may be prescribed for fibromyalgia to help with associated symptoms like sleep disturbances and mood disorders. Lexapro is not a first-line option for this treatment and may cause some early side effects, such as nausea, insomnia, tiredness, loss of appetite, etc.

What does research suggest?

A study was done in 2015 to determine the effects of SSRIs on the condition of fibromyalgia. The effects were compared to the placebo groups. Low-quality evidence was found. There were reduced effects on mood disorders, fatigue and sleep problems (1).

Another research concluded that escitalopram is well tolerated in patients with fibromyalgia to alleviate pain in patients. Positive results were reported on chronic pain caused by fibromyalgia (2).

Research done in 2006, showed the positive effects of antidepressants on the treatment of multiple symptoms of fibromyalgia. The research tested the effects of Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), and SNRIs but SSRIs were not thoroughly studied (3).

In 2010, researchers treated 12 patients with fibromyalgia with escitalopram at a fixed dose of 10mg/dl. A significant improvement was observed in the mean intensity of pain and the disability caused by fibromyalgia in patients (4).

Some researchers have also studied that some of the symptoms of fibromyalgia are due to the imbalance of serotonin neurotransmitters in the brain. As a result, SSRIs such as Lexapro can increase serotonin levels and help with these symptoms (5).

What are the common symptoms of fibromyalgia?

Some of the commonly observed and reported signs and symptoms of fibromyalgia include (10):

  • Widespread pain
  • Tender points
  • Fatigue
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Cognitive issues
  • Morning stiffness
  • Headaches
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Mood disorder

Is Lexapro a primary treatment option for fibromyalgia?

Lexapro is not a primary treatment option for fibromyalgia but it can help with the pain and some of the other conditions like depression and anxiety caused due to fibromyalgia.

Some people with fibromyalgia develop mood disorders like depression,  anxiety and OCD as a result of chronic pain and other symptoms (6). In such cases, your healthcare provider may prescribe antidepressants such as Lexapro to address this condition.

The primary treatment option for fibromyalgia focuses on addressing the pain, sleep disturbances and other associated symptoms.

What are the approved treatment options for fibromyalgia?

The treatment of fibromyalgia is typically a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach that aims at treating the multiple symptoms of the condition. It typically includes a combination of pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapy.

Pharmacological treatment

The pharmacological treatment regimen may include:

Analgesics: Over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen and NSAIDs may be used to relieve the pain caused by the syndrome. Prescription medications like duloxetine and milnacipran are FDA-approved for the treatment.

These drugs help in relieving pain by inhibiting the neurotransmitter transporter, especially serotonin and norepinephrine (7).

Antidepressants: Some antidepressants such as amitriptyline, and nortriptyline are commonly prescribed to alleviate pain, enhance sleep and manage mood disorders that can accompany fibromyalgia (8).

Others: Some other drugs such as anticonvulsants and opioids can be used for the purpose of relieving pain in the case of Fibromyalgia (9).

Non-pharmacological treatment

The non-pharmacological treatment may include:

Physical therapy: Physical therapists can create exercise programs, and teach relaxation techniques to improve strength, flexibility and mobility thereby reducing pain and enhancing overall function.

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT): CBT is effective in helping with the symptoms of fibromyalgia. CBT is effective in developing coping strategies to manage pain, enhance sleep and address the emotional aspects of the condition.

Lifestyle changes: Improving sleep hygiene, maintaining a regular sleep schedule and managing stress are essential. A balanced diet, regular exercise and avoiding excessive caffeine and alcohol can also have a positive impact.

Other options: Techniques such as mindfulness, Tai chi and yoga can help in relieving pain. Acupuncture, massage therapy, and chiropractic care can also help manage pain


In my perspective, Lexapro can be used to treat symptoms associated with fibromyalgia but the syndrome itself cannot be treated or eradicated by the use of Lexapro alone.

Lexapro can help with mood disorders and anxiety issues comorbid with fibromyalgia. However, if your condition is not getting any better, consulting the healthcare provider is essential as they can tailor a treatment plan according to your specific requirements and necessities.

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