Does fluvoxamine interact with ibuprofen? (3+ interactions)

In this article, we will discuss whether fluvoxamine interacts with ibuprofen or not. We will also discuss what research suggests on this, the possible interactions between fluvoxamine and ibuprofen and precautions for taking both these medications together.

Does fluvoxamine interact with ibuprofen?

Yes, fluvoxamine and ibuprofen can interact with each other and it’s important to be cautious when taking them together.

Fluvoxamine inhibits a liver enzyme called CYP2C19, which is involved in the metabolism of various medications, including ibuprofen. When fluvoxamine inhibits this enzyme, it increases the levels of ibuprofen in the body.  (1)

Both medications also independently raise the risk of bleeding, so combining them increases the risk even more. It’s crucial to let your doctor know about all the medications you’re taking, including over-the-counter ones like ibuprofen. They can give you personalized advice based on your medical history. (2)

What does research suggest?

According to a research study, Zullino and Khazaal point out that both NSAIDs and SSRIs (like fluvoxamine) can affect how blood platelets come together, increasing the chances of gastric problems. (3)

There might not be extensive research specifically focused on the interaction between fluvoxamine and ibuprofen. However, both medications are known to affect certain enzymes in the liver which can potentially lead to interactions. (1,2)

Always consult with your healthcare provider or check the latest medical literature for the most current information on drug interactions, especially if considering or taking a combination of medications.

What are the potential interactions between fluvoxamine and ibuprofen?

Fluvoxamine and ibuprofen can interact and it’s important to be aware of potential interactions due to their effects on certain enzymes in the body. Here are some considerations: (4,5)

Enzyme inhibition:  Fluvoxamine inhibits the activity of an enzyme in the liver that is involved in the metabolism of various drugs, including ibuprofen. Inhibition of this enzyme by fluvoxamine may lead to increased levels of ibuprofen in the body.

Increased risk of side effects: Elevated levels of ibuprofen may increase the risk of side effects especially when combined with fluvoxamine. It could raise the risk of stomach problems like bleeding or developing ulcers. (4,5)

Bleeding risk: Both fluvoxamine and ibuprofen when taken separately can increase the risk of bleeding. If you take them together, especially in higher amounts the risk of bleeding may be further heightened. (5)

Individual variation: The degree of interaction varies among individuals based on certain factors like genetics, overall health and the specific dosage of each medication.

It’s important to be careful and let your doctor know if you’re thinking about taking these medications together. They can help you find a safe way to manage your symptoms.

What is the best way to take fluvoxamine and ibuprofen together?

If your doctor has prescribed both fluvoxamine and ibuprofen together, here are some general guidelines: (1,2,5)

  • Follow your doctor’s instructions: Always take medications exactly as prescribed by your doctor. If your doctor has recommended taking fluvoxamine and ibuprofen together, follow their instructions carefully.
  • Take with food or milk: Taking ibuprofen with food or milk can reduce the risk of stomach upset.
  • Regular checkups: Keep your healthcare provider informed about any side effects or changes in your condition. They can monitor your progress and make adjustments to your medication regimen if necessary.
  • Avoid self-adjusting dosages: Don’t adjust the dosages or stop taking medication on your own as it can have withdrawal side effects. 
  • Inform your pharmacist: When picking up your prescription, inform your pharmacist about all the medications you are taking including over-the-counter drugs and supplements.

Always consult with your healthcare provider for advice related to your specific health conditions and needs. 

In my opinion, it is essential to follow the prescribed dosages, report any side effects promptly and maintain regular check-ins with your healthcare professional for the best therapeutic outcome.

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