Does fluvoxamine expire? (+3 recommendations)

In this article, we will discuss the expiry of fluvoxamine and the dangers associated with the use of expired fluvoxamine or expired medications in general. We will also discuss the safety measures that should be taken if you have accidentally taken expired fluvoxamine. 

Does fluvoxamine expire? 

Yes, fluvoxamine does expire. Expired fluvoxamine may not be as effective, and there is a potential for changes in chemical composition that could pose risks.

If you have fluvoxamine that has passed its expiration date, it is generally recommended not to use it. Instead, consider safely disposing of the expired medication and obtaining a new prescription from your healthcare provider.

 Fluvoxamine is an antidepressant medication, that works by increasing the levels of serotonin in the brain. It belongs to the class of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and is most frequently prescribed for the management of depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety, and their associated symptoms (1).

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advises against the use of expired medications due to concerns about their safety and efficacy. The expiration date on a medication is determined through stability testing conducted by the manufacturer. Beyond this date, there is no assurance that the medication will retain its intended potency and composition (2).

What are the dangers associated with the use of expired fluvoxamine?

While specific dangers associated with the use of expired fluvoxamine may vary from one individual to another based on their individual sensitivity to the medication, here are some potential concerns associated with expired fluvoxamine:

The safety profile of expired fluvoxamine may be compromised due to the unpredictable chemical changes in the formulation. This could result in unexpected side effects or adverse reactions, increasing the risk of harm.

The expiration date on fluvoxamine, like any other medication, is based on stability testing conducted by the manufacturer. Once the medication has passed its expiration date, there is no guarantee that it will work as intended.

Therefore, it is important to not use fluvoxamine beyond its expiration date. Doing so could result in decreased effectiveness or potentially harmful side effects.

Can fluvoxamine lose its efficacy before its expiration?

Fluvoxamine, like many medications, can lose efficacy if not stored properly. Incorrect storage conditions can accelerate spoilage and compromise the effectiveness of the medication. Fluvoxamine can also lose its efficacy before expiration if it is exposed to direct sunlight for a longer period or if the medication is not properly stored in its original container with a proper seal.

Here are some recommendations on how the fluvoxamine formulation should be stored to maintain its potency and effectiveness until its expiration date:

Fluvoxamine should be stored at room temperature in optimum moisture and humidity, away from extreme heat and moisture. Exposure to high temperatures and moisture can cause the active ingredients to break down, leading to a loss of efficacy and potency.

You should also protect fluvoxamine from light exposure because prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can contribute to the degradation of the medication.

The medication should be stored in its original packaging or container which is specifically designed to protect the active drug from external factors that could compromise its efficacy. Additionally, Always seal the medication container tightly. An airtight seal helps prevent exposure to air, which can contribute to the degradation of fluvoxamine.

What is the shelf life of fluvoxamine?

Fluvoxamine is available in several brands and dosage forms, including tablets and liquid formulations. The shelf life of these formulations can vary based on the specific brand, form of the medication, and proper storage conditions.

According to FDA guidelines, the shelf life of fluvoxamine is established at 2 years, and this duration is generally consistent across different brands of the medication such as (3):

The shelf life of a brand of fluvoxamine known as Faverin is 24 months, which is determined through drug product stability data. Similar to Faverin, an expiration date of 2 years has been assigned by the manufacturers to Fevarin based on the efficacy or safety of the medication.

However, orally administered Luvox tablets have a shelf life of 3 years. Despite this, an expiration date of 2 years has been assigned by the FDA to Luvox CR, taking into account the product stability data from all manufacturing sites (3). The shelf life of fluvoxamine oral liquid solution is 24 months, and once opened, it remains viable for 6 months.

It’s important to note that the shelf life of fluvoxamine depends on its proper storage conditions. Various factors such as temperature, humidity, and exposure to light can influence the stability of the fluvoxamine formulations.  However, fluvoxamine tablets are generally more stable and have a longer shelf life compared to liquid formulations.

What to do if you have taken expired fluvoxamine? 

If you have accidentally taken expired fluvoxamine, it is important to seek immediate medical advice to ensure appropriate management of the situation. Expired fluvoxamine generally does not pose any serious adverse effect, however, the severity of potential harm from ingesting expired fluvoxamine can vary depending on the individual health factors.

It is important to follow these recommendations if you have accidentally taken expired fluvoxamine:

Consult your healthcare provider

If you have accidentally taken expired fluvoxamine, consult your healthcare provider. They may provide guidance based on your situation. Taking one or two doses of expired fluvoxamine may not pose any problem but your individual sensitivity to medication and underlying health condition may increase the risk of unwanted side effects of the medication.

Be mindful of your symptoms

Inform healthcare professionals of any symptoms you may be experiencing after taking expired fluvoxamine. Common symptoms associated with expired medication ingestion may include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, or gastrointestinal discomfort. 

Do not self-medicate

Do not try to take any medication without consulting your healthcare provider to counteract the effects that may occur after taking expired medicine. This can be more dangerous for your health and may not be effective.


In conclusion, based on my knowledge and experience, it is important to note that medications do have an expiration date as indicated on their leaflets, including fluvoxamine. Some medications may become toxic after their expiration.

It is not recommended to take expired fluvoxamine as it may lose its efficacy and potency beyond the expiration date. It is best to adhere to the recommended expiration date to ensure the medication’s effectiveness when used.

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LiverTox: Clinical and Research Information on Drug-Induced Liver Injury [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases; 2012-. Fluvoxamine. [Updated 2021 May 11]. Available from:



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