Does fluvoxamine contain fluoride? (+5 excipients)

In this article, we will discuss the composition of fluvoxamine and explore whether it contains fluorides. We will also discuss the available formulation of fluvoxamine in the market and their ingredients.

Does fluvoxamine contain fluoride?

No, fluvoxamine does not contain fluoride. The available formulations of fluvoxamine do not typically contain fluoride as an active or inactive ingredient. 

Fluvoxamine is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressant medication. It works by increasing the levels of serotonin in the brain which helps in the alleviation of symptoms associated with various mental disorders. Fluvoxamine also affects the levels of dopamine to a lesser extent. It is primarily prescribed for the treatment of depression, anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (1).

On the other hand, fluoride is a naturally occurring element commonly present in oral medications. It is used to protect the teeth from plaque and dental caries. It helps to strengthen the teeth and promotes bone formation (2).

The combination of fluvoxamine with fluoride should be carefully considered to avoid any unwanted side effects. It is important to consult your pharmacist or healthcare provider before adding fluoride to the fluvoxamine formulation.  

What are the effects of fluoride on the central nervous system?

Excessive fluoride exposure has been associated with negative effects on the central nervous system (CNS) and brain development. This is particularly relevant when considering its potential interaction with medications that also affect CNS negatively. 

Research studies suggest that excessive fluoride intake during the periods of brain development may negatively affect memory, and cognitive functions, which may cause concerns for individuals, especially those who are exposed to fluoride in their vulnerable developmental stages (4).

Prolonged exposure to elevated fluoride levels poses a risk of severe neuropathological harm to the brain. Extensive research has elucidated certain mechanisms of brain inflammation resulting from excessive fluoride, particularly involving immune cells. Research finding suggests that fluoride is an inducer of ferroptosis and inflammation in the brain (5).

How long-term fluoride intake can potentialize the side effects of fluvoxamine?

Research suggests that long-term fluoride exposure may lead to cognitive and mental health issues. These include cognitive impairment, hyperactivity, and mood disturbances. The mechanism behind fluoride’s neurotoxic effects is linked to mitochondrial damage, affecting mitochondrial DNA content, biogenesis, and structure.

When combined with fluvoxamine, which also influences serotonin and has neurological effects, there may be an additive impact on mental health. The interplay between the two substances could potentially exacerbate side effects or contribute to a more pronounced impact on cognitive and emotional well-being over the long term (6).

What do fluvoxamine formulations contain?

Fluvoxamine maleate serves as the active ingredient in various commercially available formulations of fluvoxamine, including Luvox, Luvox CR, and Voxamine. Prescribed in strengths like 25 mg, 50 mg, and 100 mg tablets, these formulations incorporate distinct excipients or inactive ingredients.

These inactive ingredients or excipients play a role in stabilizing the final dosage form of the medication and may include binders, fillers, coating materials, diluents, and disintegrants, but they do not have any pharmacological effects.

It is important to note that the amount and type of excipients may vary from one brand of fluvoxamine to another. However, none of the fluvoxamine formulations contain fluoride.

Can you add fluoride to the fluvoxamine formulation?

Combining fluoride with fluvoxamine generally does not pose any problem. However, it is advisable to avoid this combination because fluorides have no role in the manufacturing of fluvoxamine formulation or in increasing the efficacy of fluvoxamine in the management of various mental disorders for which fluvoxamine is generally prescribed. 

Fluvoxamine and fluorides have different therapeutic benefits and indications. Fluorides are mostly added in medications used to treat oral infections such as voriconazole, an antifungal medication used to treat oral fungal infections (3). Fluorides are typically not included in prescription medicines like fluvoxamine and any other antidepressant.

Does fluoride interact with fluvoxamine?

There is no known interaction between fluvoxamine and fluoride or fluoride-containing products. Fluoride is commonly found in dental products or may be present in drinking water in some regions. It is not typically considered to interact with fluvoxamine or other antidepressant medications. 

However, it’s important to note that individual responses to medications may vary based on their underlying health. If you have concerns about potential interactions or if you are considering taking fluoride supplements while using fluvoxamine, it is essential to consult with your doctor.

Your healthcare provider can guide you based on your specific health situation and may provide you with personalized advice. They can also consider any potential interactions or side effects based on the medications you are taking and the underlying health conditions.

Always have open communication with your healthcare provider and inform them about all the medications, supplements, and OTC products you are taking to ensure that they can make well-informed decisions regarding your healthcare. 

Which fluoride-containing foods should be avoided? 

Long-term use of fluoride may cause some serious neurological issues. Fluoride is commonly found in various foods and beverages, prolonged use of these foods may increase the risk of fluorosis. However, being mindful of your dietary choices can contribute to minimizing fluoride intake. Here are some considerations for avoiding fluoride in your diet:

Fluoridated mineral water: Some mineral waters may contain elevated fluoride levels. Long-term use of fluorinated mineral water may have a negative impact on the brain especially in children. You should always check the fluoride content on the label of mineral water, and choose brands with lower fluoride concentrations or consider using purified water.

Infant formulas: Some infant formulas especially soy-based ones have been found to contain higher levels of fluoride which may affect the brain development of your infant. If using soy-based formula, consult with a healthcare professional for guidance.

Tea: Certain types of tea leaves, especially black and green tea, can accumulate high levels of fluoride. Consider moderating your tea consumption or choosing teas with lower fluoride content.

Fluoridated table salt: In some regions, table salt is fluoridated. It is mostly used to prevent tooth decay and improve overall dental health. However, long-term use of fluoridated salts especially with fluoridated mineral water may cause fluorosis which is harmful to the development of the brain. So check the labels on salt products and consider choosing non-fluoridated alternatives.

Processed food: Certain processed foods and beverages, especially those made with fluoridated water, can contribute to fluoride intake. Reading labels and choosing minimally processed options can be beneficial.

It’s important to note that the fluoride content in food can vary based on factors like soil and water conditions. If you have specific concerns about fluoride intake or dietary choices, consulting with a healthcare professional or a nutritionist for personalized advice is recommended.


To my knowledge, fluvoxamine formulations do not contain fluoride. The commercial formulations of fluvoxamine available in the market contain fluvoxamine maleate as an active ingredient. These formulations also contain various inactive ingredients that help in the manufacturing of a stable dosage form of fluvoxamine. However, no commercially available product of fluvoxamine contains fluoride.

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Gopu BP, Azevedo LB, Duckworth RM, Subramanian MKP, John S, Zohoori FV. The Relationship between Fluoride Exposure and Cognitive Outcomes from Gestation to Adulthood-A Systematic Review. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Dec 20;20(1):22. doi: 10.3390/ijerph20010022. PMID: 36612346; PMCID: PMC9819484.


Wang D, Yin K, Zhang Y, Lu H, Hou L, Zhao H, Xing M. Fluoride induces neutrophil extracellular traps and aggravates brain inflammation by disrupting neutrophil calcium homeostasis and causing ferroptosis. Environ Pollut. 2023 Aug 15;331(Pt 1):121847. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2023.121847. Epub 2023 May 18. PMID: 37209896.


Adkins EA, Brunst KJ. Impacts of Fluoride Neurotoxicity and Mitochondrial Dysfunction on Cognition and Mental Health: A Literature Review. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Dec 7;18(24):12884. doi: 10.3390/ijerph182412884. PMID: 34948493; PMCID: PMC8700808.

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