Does fluoxetine interact with phentermine? (4 interactions)

In this article, we will discuss the potential interactions between fluoxetine and phentermine. Moreover, this article will explore what the research suggests about this interaction. It will also provide alternative approaches to avoid the risks of the interaction between fluoxetine and phentermine.

Does fluoxetine interact with phentermine?

Yes, fluoxetine can interact with phentermine. Fluoxetine and phentermine may be prescribed together for patients experiencing both depression and obesity concurrently.

Fluoxetine is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), and it’s primarily prescribed to treat depression and mood disorders. Moreover, fluoxetine has been observed to facilitate weight loss and has been utilized off-label for this specific purpose.

Phentermine is used for the short-term treatment of obesity. It works as an appetite suppressant by affecting the central nervous system to reduce feelings of hunger.

Both medications increase serotonin levels, and combining them can lead to a potentially serious condition called serotonin syndrome (1). It’s important to use these medications only under the guidance of a healthcare professional. 

Individual responses to medication combinations can vary, and a healthcare professional can provide personalized guidance based on your specific health profile and response to the medication.


What does the research suggest?

Research suggests that combining fluoxetine with phentermine resulted in a more significant decrease in both food intake and body weight compared to using phentermine alone. 

Clinical findings also indicate that fluoxetine increases phentermine brain levels. As a result, fluoxetine amplifies both the appetite-suppressing and dopamine-neurotoxic effects of phentermine.(2)

In a clinical trial conducted on 44 patients who received a phentermine-fluoxetine combination, results showed that patients lost 15.4% of their initial weight. However, a high dropout rate was reported. 82% of the patients receiving a phentermine-fluoxetine combination dropped out due to the side effects experienced. (3)

Potential interactions between fluoxetine and phentermine

Potential interactions between fluoxetine and phentermine are concerning. Your healthcare provider should assess the potential risks and benefits, monitor for side effects and adjust dosages as necessary. The potential interactions between fluoxetine and phentermine include:

Altered metabolism 

Fluoxetine inhibits the metabolism of phentermine, as a result, phentermine levels increase in the brain. This inhibition can potentially increase the pharmacological effects of phentermine, including its impact on serotonin. Additionally, this can lead to the exacerbation of phentermine’s side effects. The combination of fluoxetine and phentermine can cause symptoms such as restlessness and flight of ideas.

Serotonin syndrome

Both phentermine and fluoxetine contribute to an increase in the serotonin levels. Combining them may increase the risk of serotonin syndrome. Serotonin syndrome is a rare but serious condition that includes symptoms such as confusion, hallucinations, rapid heart rate, high body temperature, tremors and incoordination. (1)

Cardiovascular risks

Potential interaction between fluoxetine and phentermine can lead to elevated blood pressure and increased heart rate. Combined use of these medications poses an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. (4)

Weight loss 

Potential interaction can cause an additive effect of weight loss. Studies have shown that the combination of phentermine and fluoxetine has a greater effect on weight reduction than the effect of a single medication. (3)


What factors influence the interaction between fluoxetine and phentermine?

Several factors can influence the interaction between fluoxetine and phentermine. These factors include: 

  • Individual differences: Individuals react differently to medications due to differences in genetics, metabolism and overall health.


  • Dosages: The dosage of both fluoxetine and phentermine can impact the severity of interactions. Higher doses can pose a higher risk of side effects.


  • Duration of use: The length of time of using these two medications together can influence the development of complications.


  • Pre-existing heart conditions: Individuals with cardiovascular issues are more susceptible to adverse effects.


  • Liver function: Both fluoxetine and phentermine are metabolized by the CYP2D6 enzyme. Impaired liver function can impact metabolism and drug interactions. 


  • Use of other medications: Concurrent use of other medications can affect how fluoxetine and phentermine interact. Some medications may enhance or inhibit their effects.  (4,5)


What are the alternatives available if fluoxetine interacts with phentermine?

Because there are concerns about the interaction between fluoxetine and phentermine and their combination is not recommended due to safety issues, healthcare providers may consider alternative approaches for weight management. Alternatives to the fluoxetine and phentermine combination include the following approaches (6):

  • Diet and exercise: A balanced diet and regular exercise are foundational for managing weight.


  • Behavioral interventions: Behavioural therapy, counseling and support groups can help address emotional and behavioral aspects of managing weight.


  • Nutritional counseling: Seeking advice from a registered dietitian can offer individualized nutritional guidance for maintaining a  healthy weight.


  • Addressing underlying conditions: It’s important to identify and address underlying medical or psychological conditions that can contribute to weight gain.


  • Other weight loss medications: Consider different weight loss medications with safer profiles. These medications can affect appetite or metabolism. Make sure to consult your healthcare provider before using any weight loss supplements along with fluoxetine.



In summary, fluoxetine can interact with phentermine. This interaction can pose a few risks and can cause potentially life-threatening conditions. Close monitoring and dose adjustments can help mitigate potential risks. 

From my perspective, the focus should be on the approaches that prioritize safety and long-term health. I advise you to always follow your healthcare provider’s advice and report any unusual symptoms or concerns immediately.

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CiteBostwick, John Michael MD; Brown, Thomas M. MD. A Toxic Reaction From Combining Fluoxetine and Phentermine. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 16(2):p 189-190, April 1996.


Callahan BT, Yuan J, Ricaurte GA. Fluoxetine increases the anorectic and long-term dopamine-depleting effects of phentermine. Synapse. 2000 Dec 15;38(4):471-6.


Comparison of combinations of drugs for treatment of obesity: Body weight and echocardiographic status. June 2007 International Journal of Obesity 31(5):850-7


Effects of fluoxetine, phentermine, and venlafaxine on pulmonary arterial pressure and electrophysiology Helen L. Reeve,P. Nelson, Stephen L. Archer, andE. Kenneth Weir.


Sreevalsam Anil, S., Thootkur, M., & White, J. (2023). A case of phentermine-induced psychosis: The need for caution for drug-drug interactions. European Psychiatry, 66(S1), S1015-S1016.


Institute of Medicine (US) Subcommittee on Military Weight Management. Weight Management: State of the Science and Opportunities for Military Programs. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2004. 4, Weight-Loss and Maintenance Strategies.

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